80s TV Shows: Zealous Zone

The EqualiZer
1985 - 1989

Click image to watch opening...yeah, still ringing no bells
Kind of a bummer that I have to end this blog challenge w/ a show I'd never even heard of before.  Other than The Young Ones, I just didn't watch too much TV between '85-'89, so if it didn't stretch into the 90s or come back in syndication, it was lost on me.  Anyone out there ever watch this detective show starring Edward Woodward as Robert McCall?

"Don't do something you won't live to regret."

In the pilot episode, a regular from Seinfeld appears as the character who gave McCall his nickname, the Equalizer.  Anyone care to make a guess what actor that was?  

On Monday I'll post all the answers to my 80s TV Show trivia questions along w/ links and kudos to everyone who got them right. :) It was lovely seeing you all and getting to visit your A to Z posts.  Much thanks to Arlee, Alex, Talli, Jen, Jeffrey, Candace, Karen & Stephen for organizing the fun! 


Anne Gallagher said…
I do remember this because it was my brother's favorite show. It always reminded me of Steve McQueen for some reason.

I'm going to say it was Kramer who gave him his name.
Liz P said…
Hrm, scratching my head on this one.

Congrats on finishing the challenge! I really enjoyed the walk down TV memory lane. :)
Elliot Grace said…
...(I'm such a geek:) I remember watching The Equalizer, and if my memory isn't deceiving me, can still recall the intro music. As for a guess...considering age, I'll throw Newman into the hat. That dude's been all over the small screen throughout the years.

Thanks for the flashback!

i loved the Equalizer. and Spenser for Hire. i think that was an 80's show.
Suze said…
I think I have a chance at getting this one. I'm just sorry I didn't discover this blog until the end of the alphabet. Love me some trivia.

Okay, I'm gonna go with the guy who played J. Peterman.
Tara Tyler said…
thats ok. i loved reliving 80s tv a to z style with u! looking forward to wat comes next =)
happpy z day!
Michael Di Gesu said…
Not me ... I never watched it.
g-girl said…
This one sounds familiar but I don't think I ever watched it?

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