Bring on the Romance!

Today is the launch of Cheri Colyer's debut Young Adult Paranormal Romance, Embrace . To celebrate, she's throwing and Embracing Change launch party and has written a fabulous guest post for my place. Take it away, Cherie... Bring on the Romance by Cheri Colyer I love falling in love. That weak in the knees feeling you get when you meet that special someone. The wondering if he likes you too. Discovering everything there is to know about each other. Romance novels let us do this over and over again. I’m not a big believer in love at first site. I think it’s more accurate to say that two people were instantly attracted to each other. It might be the way his lips tugged upward into a half smile when he was trying not to laugh or the hint of something untold when he glanced your way. Maybe it’s the way he is with other people or simply his Irish accent. Sometimes you aren’t even sure why you’re drawn to this person. In Embrace, Madison Riley feels a strong pull toward the ...