Blogfest 2012

Welcome to Blogfest 2012, hosted by A Journey of Books . It's all about hopping from blog to blog to widen your circle and WIN PRIZES! Since September is Back-to-School month, I though it would be appropriate to help you build your library - the prize at my place is a collection of Omnific eBooks by authors whom I've featured here: Contemporary Romance: Indivisible by Jessica McQuinn Three Daves by Yours Truly With Good Behavior by Jennifer Lane Paranormal Romance: Seers of Light by Jennifer DeLucy The Guardian's Wildchild by Feather Stone Young Adult Paranormal Romance: Breaking Point by Jess Bowen To enter to win the collection, simply take the one-question "Pop Quiz" in the Rafflecopter below (the tweeting & following are optional but will earn you extra credit). a Rafflecopter giveaway Now, to keep this blogfest moving, please visit these awesome blogsters who are also hosting giveaways: Kelly's Lucky Y...