Congrats to @AriaGlazki - Mortal Musings is Here!

Amazon US • Amazon UK • Amazon CAN • Smashwords • Barnes & Noble • Book Depository Congrats to Aria Glazki on the release of Mortal Musings ! Since the story centers on a writer struggling with his muse, I thought it would be fun for you to get a peek inside the head of the writer of this novel. Here are... 6 Things You Didn't Know About Mortal Musings Take it away, Aria... 1: I started writing the first version of this book as a high school senior. I was taking an independent study creative writing class, and my very patient advisor was waiting on pages, despite the fact that I had no idea what to write about. I still remember sitting in our school library, staring at the blank page of the computer, contemplating what inspiration is and how to get it. And then I made a character wonder the same thing, and that is how Mortal Musings began . 2: I gave up on that fal...