The best thing about being a writer #IWSG #amwriting

Welcome to the November 2016 edition of The Insecure Writers Support Group . Before I get to this month's question, I want to go back to last month's: When do you know your story is ready? Part of my answer last month was that no story is ever going to be perfect, and boy, have I learned that lesson agian. Earlier this year, I got my rights back to a story ( Vibrizzio , to be re-released in January 2017 as When It Hits You ). Since this story had already gone thorugh professional editing and been out in the world, I figured it'd be good to go with a new cover and title. But when I readied the first chatper to include in the back matter of When It Holds You , I got itchy fingers. I could see where I was sometimes overly wordy or made word choices too snooty for the tone of the story. As I dug further into the manuscript, I was finally able to see the excess business talk that had turned off some reviewers. And I noticed how my random "narrator intrusions" to c...