The best thing about being a writer #IWSG #amwriting
Welcome to the November 2016 edition of The Insecure Writers Support Group. Before I get to this month's question, I want to go back to last month's: When do you know your story is ready?
Part of my answer last month was that no story is ever going to be perfect, and boy, have I learned that lesson agian. Earlier this year, I got my rights back to a story (Vibrizzio, to be re-released in January 2017 as When It Hits You). Since this story had already gone thorugh professional editing and been out in the world, I figured it'd be good to go with a new cover and title. But when I readied the first chatper to include in the back matter of When It Holds You, I got itchy fingers.
I could see where I was sometimes overly wordy or made word choices too snooty for the tone of the story. As I dug further into the manuscript, I was finally able to see the excess business talk that had turned off some reviewers. And I noticed how my random "narrator intrusions" to crack a joke pulled readers out of the moment. There is NO substitute for giving yourself some time away from a manuscript.
But I don't feel insecure about finding these issues. I feel grateful to know that I continue to grow as a writer and for the opportunity to polish this baby up and re-present it to readers better than ever.

Joylene Nowell Butler
Jen Chandler
Mary Aalgaar
Lisa Buie Collard
Tamara Narayan
Tyrean Martinson
Christine Rains
Part of my answer last month was that no story is ever going to be perfect, and boy, have I learned that lesson agian. Earlier this year, I got my rights back to a story (Vibrizzio, to be re-released in January 2017 as When It Hits You). Since this story had already gone thorugh professional editing and been out in the world, I figured it'd be good to go with a new cover and title. But when I readied the first chatper to include in the back matter of When It Holds You, I got itchy fingers.
I could see where I was sometimes overly wordy or made word choices too snooty for the tone of the story. As I dug further into the manuscript, I was finally able to see the excess business talk that had turned off some reviewers. And I noticed how my random "narrator intrusions" to crack a joke pulled readers out of the moment. There is NO substitute for giving yourself some time away from a manuscript.
But I don't feel insecure about finding these issues. I feel grateful to know that I continue to grow as a writer and for the opportunity to polish this baby up and re-present it to readers better than ever.
November IWSG Question:
What is the best aspect of being a writer?
Very simply - writing. I freaking love it. The nice thing about being defined as "a writer" by people around me is that I feel far less guilty about my writing time than I used to.
This post is part of the monthly blog hop/therapy session known as Insecure Writer's Support Group, founded by the one and clonely Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Joylene Nowell Butler
Jen Chandler
Mary Aalgaar
Lisa Buie Collard
Tamara Narayan
Tyrean Martinson
Christine Rains
I went back to an old ms a while back with thoughts of polishing it up, but like you, I couldn't believe how I've also grown as a writer. Let's just say, I haven't returned to my story since I'd have to redo the entire thing...
I saw a lot I wanted to change in my first book when I was given the opportunity. Distance, and experience, definitely helps.
And I like to be considered a writer, too. No guilt about that at all.
Happy IWSG!
GREAT seeing you! Looking forward to another meeting soon... perhaps in ORLANDO....
Have on contact on the loft, BUT still waiting for the damn appraisal to get done. THREE weeks now. Actually, I got the offer soon after you had left for home. Held off mentioning it because I didn't want to get too excited. Crap always happens and now I still don't know if it will happen...UGH! Hope all is well!
You are the coolest. The COOLEST! Seriously, I've had the pleasure of watching your arc over the last, what? Five years? And I just see you power through all of these different stages, evolving, improving and never wavering in your belief in what you're putting out there. It's inspiring. I am so happy to call you a friend.
I think the revamped titled for Vibrizzio is ace. I like it, period, but I also like how it encapsulates everything I'm trying to say in this comment. I think you're going to keep growing better and richer *because* you love what you do so much. No substitute for that. But it's also because of who you are, and always have been, at your core: solid.
Reallly liked reading this post.
Yours ever,
The Countess
Juneta @ Writer's Gambit