80s TV Shows: Zealous Zone

The Equali Z er 1985 - 1989 Click image to watch opening...yeah, still ringing no bells Kind of a bummer that I have to end this blog challenge w/ a show I'd never even heard of before. Other than The Young Ones, I just didn't watch too much TV between '85-'89, so if it didn't stretch into the 90s or come back in syndication, it was lost on me. Anyone out there ever watch this detective show starring Edward Woodward as Robert McCall? Quote : "Don't do something you won't live to regret." Trivia : In the pilot episode, a regular from Seinfeld appears as the character who gave McCall his nickname, the Equalizer. Anyone care to make a guess what actor that was? More info. on The Equilizer and other 80s TV Shows On Monday I'll post all the answers to my 80s TV Show trivia questions along w/ links and kudos to everyone who got them right. :) It was lovely seeing you all and getting to visit your A to Z posts. Much thanks to Arlee, Ale...