80s TV Shows: Naughty Nocturnal Nonsense

We're over the half-way hump!  Can you believe it?  Thank you all for playing along w/ my triva madness.  After we get through this blog challenge, I'll post a listing of all the answers along w/ a link to blogs of those who guessed right!

And tomorrow, iZombie is going to post a 20 questions interview with me at his Two Thumbs, Eight Fingers review site. :) 
Night Court
1984 - 1992

Click image to watch a Night Court short
This crazy cast of characters and their corny schtick were the perfect match for the nutty cases coming to night court.  Night Court was a part of NBC's legendary "Must See Thursday" line-up, which included uber successful 80s TV shows: The Cosby Show, Family Ties, and Cheers.

"Your Honor, according to witnesses, Miss Congeniality led the attack with a kick to the groin."

Harry Anderson, who played unconventional judge Harry Stone on Night Court, also played the recurring role of trickster con-man Harry the Hat on which of the other "Must See Thursday" shows?

More info. on Night Court and other 80s TV shows


Unknown said…
Night court was a funny show. Great choice for today.
Michael Di Gesu said…
Night court was a hoot! Watched them all in re-runs. The best way to see sitcoms.
Anne Gallagher said…
Oh wait, I know this one, I do. Wait. It's coming, hang on. Errr.

Nope. I can see him plain as day doing his schtick but I just can't get the show to come to me.

I'm going back through the rest of your posts. This trivia game is too much fun. I know I've got to be able to get at least ONE answer right.
I mean, I lived through the 80's.
Sarah Allan said…
I (vaguely) remember this show, but I definitely remember Harry Anderson being on Dave's World, which was an awesome show, at least in my memories, haha.
Tara Tyler said…
It was Cheers.
I love your blog! me 80s child too! Your take on the A-Z challenge is the best, wish I'd come across it sooner =)
Happy N day!
I loved this show! Did you see when they did a SNL reunion?

g-girl said…
oh, i LOVED night court!

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