80s TV Shows: Outlandish Obscurity

Out of this World
1987 - 1991

Click image to hear the trivia voice
Does anybody even remember this one from the 80s?  Apparently this Evie girl was half human and half alien and lived in California...ring any bells?  None whatsoever for me.

"Do sharks like swimsuits made out of beef jerky?"

The famous actor who did the voice of Evie's alien father (who's never seen) asked for his name to not be in the credits, since he was only doing this as a favor to the producers.  Care to guess who that was?  Hint:  He was also involved in another TV show at the time---Evening Shade.

More info on Out of this World and other 80s TV shows


Sorry, didn't watch this one.
Anne Gallagher said…
Wow, where do you find these? And this show was on for 4 years???? And I can't even hazard a guess, because I don't know Evening Shade either.
Michael Di Gesu said…
Never heard of it.... I can't believe it was on for four years... It obviously never went into reruns.
Anonymous said…
Where was I during this time? I don't even remember the show. Sounds cute!
Tara Tyler said…
nope, never hoid of it. don't even recognize any characters and I'm good at that...
Oh, well!
Happy O Day!
Angela said…
More awesome 80s hair. I need to buy me some hairspray.
K.C. Woolf said…
Never heard of it, but again: the quote makes me curious.

And Angela's comment gave me the idea I need to organise an 80s party some time!
Liz P said…
Yes! I actually used to watch this show, though I probably wouldn't have remembered it without your post. :)
Plain Jane said…
This must have been on during the time I didn't have a television....never heard of it. Too bad we cant get clips or episodes of all these old shows, just for kicks.
g-girl said…
oh my gosh! I totally remember this show..makes me think of small wonder too. they were the two shows that were on saturdays early in the evening. it was weird. and to think steve burton is now on general hospital!

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