How Pink Eye Saved the Day #IWSG

Welcome to the July 2017 meeting of the Insecure Writers Support Group , a time to vent your writerly frustrations and/or offer encouragement. July 27 is the #IWSGPit event, so get ready to pitch your completed & polished manuscripts. Get the details here . It's going to be a great opportunity for writers, and I hope you all get marvelous leads from it. I myself have nothing to pitch. You see, to have a new completed & polished manuscript, one needs to actually sit down and pound out some new words first. But don't worry. That's not a lame attempt at an answer to this month's optional IWSG question: What is one valuable lesson you've learned since you started writing? Step away and take a deep breath. That's my answer. It can be useful at many different stages during the writing (and publishing) process, but today I specifically apply it to that moment when you receive feedback from your editor. If you're like me, your first instinct ...