This Goes to 11

At the beginning of the month I got tagged by the marvelous Girl Wizard . The deal is that the taggee shares ten somethings about his/herself and then tags five people. But here's what I'm going to do---since I'm wrapping up my September Blog-Blitz (today's the last day to get Three Daves for only 99 cents in Kindle , Nook , eBook and ePub ) I'll list a factoid about myself as revealed in each guest post from the blitz. And instead of tagging, I'm giving out cookies! Since I did eleven guest posts, you get a bonus factoid: 1. In summers during college, I sold concert T-shirts at Poplar Creek, an outdoor music theater in the Chicago suburbs. 2. I have a large Teddy bear named Gibb , after John Cusack's character Walter Gibson in The Sure Thing 3. If ever I start a band, I shall name it Brother Kitty ...and we shall play punk rock. 4. I still think Charlie Sheen is cute 5. I can't bring myself to fade to black 6. If this writing ...