In which I crack myself up...

Yo, the Blog Blitz continues, and I'm over at Michael DiGesu's In Time... today serving up on-liners. I'd love to see you there. :)  Thank you to all of you who've been following me around!  I didn't realize blitzing was going to be so much fun. Kinda reminds me of pub crawl. 


Michael Di Gesu said…
IT is fun, Nicki,

I love all the different venues you are coming up with for each stop....
Jennifer Lane said…
Yay, hopping over to Michael's digs!
Suze said…
On my way.
anthony stemke said…
A great two-fer over there, yourself and Alex.
Thank You and good luck with your book sales.
Glad you're enjoying your blog hop, can't wait til you stop by my place!
Susan Oloier said…
Heading over to Michael's blog right now!
Susan Oloier said…
Hey Nicki,
I just bought your book. I will read it after I finish Abandon, which I actually just want to abandon.

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