Let the Festival of Excitement Begin!

Well, it's September 1st, and I can finally tell you my exciting announcements! 

First...Three Daves has a brand a new cover!!!

The truth is, I was never completely in love with the last one.  I thought I was, but it turns out I was just lying to myself.  It did a fine job of conveying the three guys and giving an 80s feel, but it was missing femininity and didn't quite capture the fun atmosphere of the story.  Months and months after the book came out, I was hit with cover-remorse, and this is one of the reasons I'm so happy to be with a small publisher---they listened, they understood, and they designed an awesome new cover!  Ah, but don't worry about  the boys---they're very happy in their new position on the back:

Second...the Three Daves  
Kindle*, Nook, eBook, and ePack are 
only 99 cents all month!
(* as of post time Amazon doesn't quite have their act together and is still showing the OLD cover.  To be safe, if you want the new cover for sure, I'd hold off on buying the Kindle until the new cover is showing on the Amazon site.  Stupid Amazon.  Thanks for the tip, Fabulosity

Check out other school-themed titles on sale this month at


Third...to celebrate I'm throwing a Blog Blitz!

All month long, I'll be skipping around the blogosphere to do guest posts and have some fun with gracious hosts, including three Jens to each host a Dave!  Along the way you'll be subjected to an 80s Hair Band quiz, one-liners, and me coming clean on a few matters.  As soon as I get my act together, I'll post the schedule and links on my sidebar.  In the meantime, check out this brand new weekly blog hop for authors!  You can get more details at the Omnific Publishing blog

Okay, can I take a breath now?


Oh, I love the new cover!! Best of luck with the month of sales!!
CarolOates said…
I love it, very pretty. I was very fortunate to fall in love with my covers straight away but I know that doesn't happen for everyone. I think covers are like shoes. You either fall in love with them at first sight or not. If you don't, you can learn to get comfortable in them but won't want to wear them every day. :-)
Jennifer Lane said…
Great shoe analogy, Carol, especially since the new cover features a shoe! I LOVE the cover. Hot pink is awesome, and her footwear is oh so 80's. I'm really looking forward to hosting a Dave during your blog blitz!

Readers, check out this book--you'll love it.
Big breath! Glad you got the cover you really wanted. And looking forward to hosting you in a couple weeks.
Anonymous said…
I read the blurb the last time but it never actually sank in that there's a girl in there because of those shoes. This is sooo exciting. This cover's perfect.
Sarah Allan said…
That's so exciting! I love the new cover. Congrats!
Suze said…
Nicki, I like the new cover, too. I'm kind of wishing I'd waited to buy the book with that one. ;)

Not, as you say, that the first cover wasn't a good one, too, because it was.
Tara Tyler said…
i love that cover too!
that is all so great! hope you're in shape for all that running around the blogosphere =)
Anne Gallagher said…
Great new cover. I liked the old one but I LOVE this one!

Sounds like you're one busy lady. Congrats!!!
Suze said…
Hello, my dear. Me, again. I have included you in a blogging game on today's post, so if you wish, you can have a look.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Anonymous said…
I actually love both covers but for different reasons.

BTW, I read THREE DAVES last week. And I loved it!! I recognized so much of the setting. And I posted my glowing review on Goodreads but it got eaten up by the Goodreads Trolls last week, when they were having so many techy problems. I need to repost.
Michael Di Gesu said…

I LOVE the new cover! How totally narly!

So looking forward to the blog hop! Keep us posted.
dolorah said…
Cool cover; but I did like the origina, and I'm not lying to myself :) Glad you kept it on the back at least.

I'm looking forward to the blog tour.


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