In which we age like a fine wine...

So, the end of my blog blitz coincides with the beginning of the countdown to Hannah Downing's 30th Birthday!  She's throwing a Birthday Blogastravaganza and lucky, lucky me gets to kick off the celebration.  So grab your pointy hat and your noisemaker, and head on over to wish HD a big HB.

Today's the Author! Author! Blog Bounce
but open to ALL authors.


L. Diane Wolfe said…
Nicki, the button leads to Hannah's blog, but the link doesn't - just thought you should know.
Angela said…
Thanks for the heads up.
Suze said…
When you said 'grab your pointy hat' I immediately imagined a wizard hat. :)
Michael Di Gesu said…
Hi, Nicki,

Another blog party... ALL RIGHT! I'm always up for a good party!
Cherie Colyer said…
Hi Nicki, great guest post!
Jennifer Lane said…
Thanks for the glass of wine we shared at Hannah's party!
Susan Oloier said…
Hi Nicki!
I'll head over. Just wanted to let you know I read Three Daves and had so much fun reading it. You sure know how to develop great characters!!! I can't believe I didn't read it before now.

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