This Goes to 11

At the beginning of the month I got tagged by the marvelous Girl Wizard.  The deal is that the taggee shares ten somethings about his/herself and then tags five people.  But here's what I'm going to do---since I'm wrapping up my September Blog-Blitz (today's the last day to get Three Daves for only 99 cents in Kindle, Nook, eBook and ePub) I'll list a factoid about myself as revealed in each guest post from the blitz.  And instead of tagging, I'm giving out cookies!  

Since I did eleven guest posts, you get a bonus factoid:

1.  In summers during college, I sold concert T-shirts at Poplar Creek, an outdoor music theater in the Chicago suburbs. 

2. I have a large Teddy bear named Gibb, after John Cusack's character Walter Gibson in The Sure Thing

3. If ever I start a band, I shall name it Brother Kitty...and we shall play punk rock. 

4. I still think Charlie Sheen is cute

5. I can't bring myself to fade to black

6. If this writing thing doesn't work out, I'm going into T-shirts

7. My favorite pastimes include making mix "tapes" and quizzes

8. In high school I dated a guy with a big Betamax

9. I'm a sucker for a pretty book cover

10. The fictional campus in my book is modeled after my alma mater, Eastern Illinois University.  Go Panthers!

11.  I enjoy being forty+

And now I'd like to pass out cookies to each of my illustrious hosts.  THANK YOU Julie B., Jennifer Lane, Jen Daiker, Jennifer DeLucy, Carol Oates, Michael Di Gesu, Alex J. Cavanaugh, M. Pax, Lisa O., Karen G., and Hannah Downing for sharing your blogspace and wonderful followers with me.

I had a blast and am excited to have met some new eFriends as part of the deal.  And guess what---we even set a record over at Alex's place for most comments on a guest post!  So hooray to all of you fabulous commentators too.  

If you're still hankering for a tour, you're in luck!  Elliot Grace kicks off his tour for his newly released novel, South of Charm, on Monday.  I'm excited to tell you he'll visit here on October 24. :)

Next month I'll also introduce you to Feather Stone, who's debut novel, The Guardian's Wilchild, was just released this Tuesday!  


Angela said…
I didn't sleep with a teddy bear 'til college. After that it turned into a habit that I could kick. So what if it's childish. Is there anything more comforting?
Glad you had a good time on your tour! I was happy to host.
And judging from you answers, you are a true 80's girl.
Suze said…

'2. I have a large Teddy bear named Gibb, after John Cusack's character Walter Gibson in The Sure Thing'


Your no. 8 cracked me the hell up. Nick, you are so a kindred spirit!

Please go check out the responses I left to your comments on my blog. Megots an idea.
Michael Di Gesu said…
AHhhh, GEEEE, SHUCKS, it was, LIKE, Uber awesome, to host you.

Thanks for the cookie... this one I can have. LOL. It have seem to plateau. Oh, well. Still plugging along. FROZE on the lake front today.
M Pax said…
I love being 40+ too. If this writing gig doesn't work out, I'll just keep writing. :) Hope you do, too.
Tara Tyler said…
my fave fact is #3
i dont enjoy being 40+ but i love that i'm in such a positive group! it helps =)
yay for nicki!
and thx for the cookie! i'm getting full, its my third one today!
Anonymous said…
What a clever way of getting us to read your blog posts, it can be so hard to follow blog tours. I loved learning so much about you.
Donna Shields said…
I agree Charlie Sheen's cute. He still has IT.

I'm creeping up to the 40+ and hope I'll enjoy it as much as you and others do too.
M Pax said…
Thank you for the cookie. I enjoyed your visit. Come back any time. I mean that.
Kittie Howard said…
Nicki, you're fantastic! Loved hearing about your bear. A bear that doesn't snore can't be all bad!

Made a note the other day to order your book on Kindle...will do so tonight...whether I'm too late for 99 cents doesn't matter - we're going to Vermont tomorrow - place where we're staying has a porch - can see myself rocking' and reading' now.
Talli Roland said…
A big BETAMAX? *snigger snigger*

Love your ten things!
Jennifer Lane said…
Mix CD's are SO much easier than making mix tapes, especially with iTunes. Good to learn more about you!

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