In which I get rated, maybe NC 17...
Before I start talking dirty, guess what happened---I hit 200 followers!
My 200th follower is Tony VanHelsing (who I'm going to assume is a descendent of you-know-who, and if anyone knows differently do not tell me). To celebrate this milestone, how about I put Three Daves on sale for only 99 cents in Nook, eBook, ePub, and even Kindle until September 30th. ;)
For today's feature post, visit Irish beauty Carol Oates. This talented author and I discuss Adult versus Young Adult and where the line gets crossed.
For today's feature post, visit Irish beauty Carol Oates. This talented author and I discuss Adult versus Young Adult and where the line gets crossed.
With my YA urban fantasy, THE LEGEND OF VICTOR STANDISH, the lines cross with Victor's adult friends and foes -- and his 200 year old ghoul friend! R
Off to visit Carol....