In which we develop book covers for judging...

I'm switching gears today and not talking about the 80s in my guest post over at the Omnific Publishing blog.  I'll simply give you a little insight into the cover development process and be done with it.  Promise

So tell me the truth, how much does cover play into your book selection process?  Do prettier covers make their way more easily to the top of your to-be-read pile?  Or have you ever decided against reading a book because you didn't like the cover?

While you're here, why not hop on and hop along with the Meet an Author Monday blog hop hosted by Lisa Sanchez, romance author?


Jennifer Lane said…
The cover is SO important. And I love the covers Omnific made for me. I love yours too!
If the cover doesn't grab me, I won't even pick up a book.
M Pax said…
The cover is semi important. the story is more important. For me. :)
I will hop on over, because I think Omnific has fabulous covers!
Suze said…
How much does a cover play? More than it should ...
Oh, covers are evrything. I've seen books sell just b/c of the cover...and not sell b/c of it also. it's unfortunate that most authors have zero say in their cover!
Elliot Grace said…
...great question, Nicki ;)

I'd like to suggest that cover designs are insignificant, that the heart of a story lies within its pages. But as writers, we all know how important an eye-catching cover design can be for potential sales.

Call it the curse of the world we live in...its all about the glam ;)

Been following your tour, Nicki...well done!

Tara Tyler said…
i want to know so i'm heading over!
Michael Di Gesu said…
I really believe the cover is the initial attraction. It's the story and prose that get me in the end.

Some covers to me are a turn off especially if they are gory and graphic in a displeasing way.
ali cross said…
I have to admit, I totally judge books by their covers!

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