In which we go on a trip...

I'm double dipping in Blogville on this fine Friday.  First, I'm over at the Wistful Nebulae with a quick trip in a time machine back to the 80s to prove I don't need no stinking iPhone.  Please stop by to help me out!

Next, it's time to turn in our essays to Professor DiGesu for his

What I Did on My Summer STAYcation

I'm a fan of off-season travel, which means my family doesn't do many summer vacations away from home. Usually the kids and I venture out during summer break to do a hundred and one local things, but strange weather all summer long---a cold, icky June and then blistering hot July---made even day trips unappealing.  So for my "assignment" I'll share with you a small project I did this summer to make the little plot of land I've been entrusted with a bit more vacation-like. 

With both my children now officially teenagers, it was time for the clunky wooden playset in the backyard to come down, leaving me with this lovely square of dirt.

So I added an iron gazebo:

Dug in a pea gravel path and planted lillies, iris, clematis, and boxwoods:

Gave it a finishing touch with a birdbath 
(the birdies seem to lourve this new hangout)

And in midsummer, we even got some blooms:

But just wait 'till next year.
The flower show should be spectacular. :)


Anne Gallagher said…
That little garden is beautiful right now. Want to come to my house and put one up for me?
Tara Tyler said…
what a great idea! it's lovely!
and i stopped by mpax, so funny!
Looks nice!
We don't travel during peak times. Who wants to go to the beach when there are a million people?
Luanne G. Smith said…
I'm the same way. I don't like to travel during the crowded summer. I prefer to take my son out of school for a week (bad parent) to go on vacation.

And I ended up doing the same sort of backyard project this summer. I had a big empty space where a swing set had been, and like you, I put in a garden. :)
Suze said…
That is so cool! I love that you photographed a progression. I actually now feel a tingling of anticipation to see the next pic you post, all abloom. :)
What a serene backyard.

Journey was your first concert? It couldn't get better. That alone is reason to join your following.

Happy weekend, Nicki.
Donea Lee said…
Your gazebo looks great! I've been wanting to add something charming like that to my own backyard...some day.

I do usually do summer vacations, because I somehow feel guilty about taking my daughter out of school to do off-season (although - don't think she minds it!) We did go to MA in the fall last year, though. I'm coming around to the idea more and more... :)
Hart Johnson said…
In two months I will have two teens, too... There was no playset to remove, but there was a mass removal of all the toys the adults don't also play with (lincoln logs, legos and nerf guns got reprieves on those grounds). I love your gazebo, though--what a great way to deal with your dirt spot!
What a fun transformation! Any flowers that are yellow have my vote.

Thanks for sharing,

Golden Eagle said…
It looks beautiful! :)
M Pax said…
A lovely transformation. Very pretty.

You wrote a great post. Everyone on the net should come read it. :)
Michael Di Gesu said…
Wow, Nicki,

That is LOVELY.... You guys did a great job... Helping mother nature transform a dull space into something fantastic definitely deserves and A in my book!

Thanks for sharing and joining in the fun.

Professeur Di Gesu .... I like the sound of that.
Enigmatic Vapor said…
Looks great! Great job.
Talei said…
Very cool! I love the step-by-step pics, and what a fantastic end shot! ;-)
J.L. Campbell said…
That's pretty cool. You must feel wonderful every time you look at it.

Going my your profile pic, you don't look old enough to have teenagers though.
Anonymous said…
I love your gazebo pictures, I'm jealous. I can't wait until I can do fun, beautiful things like that when I get a home one day.

Local vacations are fun because they are affordable and you can do lots.
Great use of a square of dirt. :)

I forget to take pictures of anything. Someday I'll have to give my 2nd child pictures of his brother doing stuff and convince him they're him....
Abby Minard said…
Omg, that's so pretty! Are you going to have climby stuff all over the gazebo? Looks very peaceful over there :)
Oh, you're so creative! Did you cry when you took the chunky playset down? Bitter sweet, maybe? ;)

I <3 your yard!

PK HREZO said…
Congrats on your book!! That's wonderful!
I love your gazebo. It will be a beautiful place to sit and think. :)
Denise Covey said…
Well Nicky what you did on your summer vacation will be with you a long time. Lovely.

Unknown said…
Aw, how lovely! You'll have to post the spectacular flower show next year.
Donna Shields said…
That's so simple and pretty. My son is outgrowing his, too. Now I can happy hunt for some ideas on what to do when I take it down.
Anonymous said…
Gorgeous!! Now you need a hammock. :) And a little table for your wine glass.
Jase said…
Great pictures within the post! Excellent to look at! Keep up the great work because you're excellent at it!
dolorah said…
How pretty :) That was fun watching the flower retreat develop. Hopefully it won't attract too many cats during bath time.

Off season travel is the only way to go
Arlee Bird said…
Your yard looks very nice. Flowers should add splendor. Staying home can be very productive and save money.

Tossing It Out

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