Bring on the Romance!

Today is the launch of Cheri Colyer's debut Young Adult Paranormal Romance, Embrace. To celebrate, she's throwing and Embracing Change launch party and has written a fabulous guest post for my place.  Take it away, Cherie...

Bring on the Romance
by Cheri Colyer

I love falling in love. That weak in the knees feeling you get when you meet that special someone. The wondering if he likes you too. Discovering everything there is to know about each other.  Romance novels let us do this over and over again.

I’m not a big believer in love at first site. I think it’s more accurate to say that two people were instantly attracted to each other. It might be the way his lips tugged upward into a half smile when he was trying not to laugh or the hint of something untold when he glanced your way. Maybe it’s the way he is with other people or simply his Irish accent. Sometimes you aren’t even sure why you’re drawn to this person.

In Embrace, Madison Riley feels a strong pull toward the new guy, but if this pull is good or bad is yet to be discovered. Being able to learn just what it is that attracts two people is part of what makes a good romance novel hard to put down. Not knowing if this attraction is a good thing or a bad thing is part of what keeps me glued to the pages.

Another part of great romance (in books and in life) is the kiss. There’s the kiss that builds slowly: his lips brush yours softly – a taste – your breath catches, but before you can tell yourself to breathe his mouth covers yours and you’re lost in the moment. And the passionate kiss, the one neither party can wait for. Desire takes over and you just can’t get close enough. Sometimes the anticipation of a kiss is all it takes to get your heart fluttering and your mind whirling. And then there’s the kiss that ends too quickly, but gives you just enough to know you want to stick around and find out what that long passionate kiss will be like. Madison knows this feeling all too well...

He leaned in closer to me. His eyes were a shimmering, deep brown, but there was a speck of ocean blue at the edge of his right iris. I couldn’t remember what I was about to say. My heart did a pirouette in my chest, and my breath caught in my throat. I closed the distance between us. His lips were firm and warm, and I wanted to kiss him forever.
Until my stomach interrupted with a loud rumble, protesting that I hadn’t fed it anything that day. I cursed its timing.

Only time will tell if his kisses are worth the wait.

So, I’m dying to know what gets your heart pumping?

Embrace Launch Party Guest Posts!

Embrace Launch Party Posts!
Kim Winters, Kat's Eye Journal          
a novel by Cherie Colyer

Madison is familiar enough with change, and she hates everything about it. Change took her long-term boyfriend away from her. It caused one of her friends to suddenly hate her. It’s responsible for the death of a local along with a host of other mysterious happenings. But when Madison meets a hot new guy, she thinks her luck is about to improve. 

Madison is instantly drawn to the handsome and intriguing Isaac Addington. She quickly realizes he’s a guy harboring a secret, but she’s willing to risk the unknown to be with him. 

Her world really spins out of control, however, when her best friend becomes delusional, seeing things that aren’t there and desperately trying to escape their evil. When the doctors can’t find the answers, Madison seeks her own. 

Nothing can prepare her for what she is about to discover. 


Prizes: To celebrate the release of her debut novel, Cherie is giving away an eCopy of EMBRACE and 5-Embrace Hemp Bracelets today. There are three ways to win:

1) Leave a comment here or at any of the Party Posts.
2) Tweet about the Virtual Party or any of the Party Posts with tag #EMBRACEnovels
Nothing could have prepared her for what she’s about to discover. #EMBRACEnovels @CherieColyer #YA avail NOW
Celebrate the launch of EMBRACE by @CherieColyer #EMBRACEnovels #paranormal #YA avail NOW
3) Facebook (tag Cherie Colyer, author) about the Virtual Party.
Celebrate the launch of teen paranormal thriller/romance novel EMBRACE by Cherie Colyer, author and enter for a chance to win Embrace prizes!

Do all three and you will have three times the chances to win! Leave a comment at each stop of the tour for a chance to win the Grand Prize.

If you haven’t already, remember to stop back by Cherie’s blog or click here to fill out the form to ensure your entry is counted.


Unknown said…
This was such an awesome post. I love the feeling of romance! It's such an amazing feeling you always hold close to your heart and hope you never have to live without once you've felt the emotion!

I loved the little teaser and boy is that cover sensual! Fabulous guest post!

Thanks for having her Nicki!
Cherie Colyer said…
Thanks, Nicki for allowing me to take over your blog today.

And thanks, Jen :) I couldn't agree with you more about the feeling of romance. Everyone needs to experience it at least once in their life.
Debra Anastasia said…
First-- Hot! Second, my pulse races with matching gazes. When my husband first looked at me and we really saw each other, yeah- it was special. Hey Nicki!
Anonymous said…
Cherie, you gave me goosebumps with that post! Great job!
The Kiss! I love it too...movies, books, doesn't matter. Now, if I could just get my husband to watch more romantic movies with me! LOL Congrats on your release Cherie!
Jennifer Lane said…
*sighs* I like your descriptions of romantic moments, Cherie. The kiss is very important to me too. When Jack and Rose kiss on the stern of the Titanic, with the sun setting behind them, knowing that was her surrender to him, I totally swooned!
anthony stemke said…
Hey Nicki: I really loved this post, the verse was sensuously appealing; I was dismayed about the stomach rumbling, it seemed to chill the warm romantic encounter.

I think Embrace by Cherie Colyer is a remarkable story, the words flow well, you want to read more.

Oh yeah, the cover picture is totally hot.

Hey Nicki: Hope you have a big happy Christmas.
Suze said…
I like that opening paragraph about falling in love.

Incidentally, did you get the Christmas email I sent to a few bloggers around Thanksgiving?

In any event, happy, happy Christmas, Nick!
Cherie Colyer said…
Debra, it was the same with my husband. Definitely special.

OMG Jen, I forgot about that scene on the Titanic. I loved it too.

Susan, my husband isn't crazy about romance either. I guess I should thanks him for sitting through them.

Thanks Kayla, Anthony and Suze. :)
The big kiss is important for me too; I like the way that authors describe it in the book, because it says a lot about the characters and the authors themselves. I always hate it in movies when the two lead characters don't kiss at all.
I like it when the two characters are friends first and then fall in love later. It's interesting to see how they fall in love.
Susan Oloier said…
Wonderful post, Nicki. I have been off the internet for three weeks and have just returned. Sorry I missed the launch party, but I will be sure to check out Cheri's book. Happy New Year!
Unknown said…
I also don't believe in love at first sight. Attraction, sure, but I think love is something that develops over time, once you know the person.
And I love writing kisses! I especially like making my characters/readers WAIT for it!

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