Barbie's 80s Dreamhouse

I've received another entry in the 80s Junk in a Box Competition!  This is a splendid 80s diroama from two young gals who weren't even born until the mid-90s.  But they got in the spirit and when they came to me for guidance,  I explained that if it's bright and slightly obnoxious---it's 80s!  So here's what they came up with:
Note the Pac-Man backdrop and the Rubik's Cube flooring.
Nice job, ladies. The entrants don't have a website or blog, so I've linked their image on the sidebar to a related You Tube video one of the girls made with her's got a slightly darker theme than the diorama: Barbie's Bloody Dreamhouse

You've got until January 31 to get your 80s junk in a box!  Please send photos to: You will make my day---who am I kidding, my entire month!---if you do. :D  The prizes are a One Hit Wonders of the 80s CD, a signed copy of Three Daves, and your book or blog or whatever you want featured in a post.

The Three Daves video trailer is in a trailer contest over at Spunk On a Stick's Blog.  Your vote could help it advance to the next round...just sayin'. 
While you're here, hop aboard the Meet an Author Monday blog hop!  It's a great way to connect with other writers and network in the publishing industry. All of these authors love to chat, so please leave a comment wherever you visit. 

If you have a book out or a story under contract, please hop on.


Jennifer Lane said…
Goodness, Barbie's hair has certainly achieved maximum volume!

Hope you get a great start to your 2011.
Anonymous said…
That's fantastic!
Anonymous said…
Hee Hee! Great entries!! I'm loving them!
Happy New Year, Nicki!
Nicki, I think both of our book trailers are going to make it!
Nicki Elson said…
Hey, glad y'all are enjoying the dioramas! Barbie doesn't mess around when it comes to hair, Jennifer. ;)

Alex - That would be so awesome!

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