Top 10 Music Countdown

Because of the maximum fabulosity of my Top Ten Countdown (bloghop hosted by Alex J. Cavenaugh), I've created a Top 10 You Tube playlist for your enjoyment. I had two main criteria for my selections:

* The songs had to be by bands/performers that have a whole stable of great songs.  No one-hit-wonders here.  So each song on the list represents one of my personal favorite bands/performers.

The songs have to be timeless.  When I listen to them years later, I have to love them not because of whatever memory they dredge up, but because they still rock.  And so, the order here was simply decided by how much time they've been tested for...i.e. in order of release date, starting w/ the most recent.

**Please note, if asked again tomorrow,
I reserve the right to completely change this list ;)**

10  "Just Breathe" Pearl Jam

9 "I'm Shipping up to Boston" Dropkick Murphys

8 "Pretty Vegas" INXS
(I feel like a traitor choosing a song post Michael Hutchence, but the new guy very much has his sound...and he can totally pull off guyliner...hummina hummina)

7 "Sway" Michael Bublé
(Yeah, yeah, I know---the song goes back to Dean Martin and beyond, but Bublé-boy is the reason it made my list)

6 "Can't Stop" Red Hot Chili Peppers

5 "Smells Like Teen Spirit" Nirvana

4 "Just Like Heaven" The Cure

3 "And She Was" Talking Heads

2 "Just Can't Get Enough" Depeche Mode

My number one song was soooo hard to select because I have many favourites by this band, but here is my #1 choice du jour:
1 "Embarrassment" Madness

So how did I do?  
Any overlap in our musical tastes?


Jeremy [Retro] said…
i love everything on your list... we must be blog babies..
what a great selection of music
thanks for the melody's,
Surprised there's not been more Nirvana!
Thanks for participating!
Unknown said…
I love the Depeche Mode song. Great list.
Ellie Garratt said…
Ooo...a great list! Thanks for sharing!

My Top Ten Songs
Michael Di Gesu said…
I suspected something like this...

You have some of my favs.

Lydia Kang said…
I meeting so many cool people and blogs on this blogfest!
Love the Depeche Mode! I pretty much love your whole list though.
Gregg Metcalf said…
I appreciate you stopping by and your kind comments. I have to admit that I did not know one song on your list. However, I have heard of one band - Pearl Jam!
I like Depeche Mode and I like Buble's rendition of Sway but am still a fan of the original.
Pat Tillett said…
Top ten is so hard, I don't have Depeche Mode
on my list, but I sure could have. Talking Heads! They didn't even enter my mind (but should have) Same as it ever was...
CA Heaven said…
Listened to Depeche Mode a lot when I was in high school, long time ago. Nice list >:)

Cold As Heaven
M Pax said…
fab picks. I have most of your selections.
Budd said…
wow, Drop Kick Murphey's. They are so angry.
vic caswell said…
oooh! i love that nirvana song!!!
Anonymous said…
Great list! And thanks for reminding me that I forgot all about Red Hot Chili Peppers!!
Hannah said…
I'm so glad Michael Buble is on someone else's list. He deserves, I mean, it. :)
L. Diane Wolfe said…
Nirvana - we've got grunge!
Tara said…
I've got Cure on mine - and I love most of yours. That new INXS guys really is humina! Can't remember what the show was (where the bands picked new front guys) - but it was awesome.
lotusgirl said…
I can't tell you how much Depeche Mode I listened to back in the day.
Jennie Bailey said…
No overlaps, but I love all your songs! GREAT list! My fave Madness song will always be the cheesy Our House.
Liz P said…
I'm halfway through the blog hop and so far you are the only one that has a match to my list - Just Like Heaven! :) Great list! And thanks for stopping by earlier today.
Arlee Bird said…
None of those on my list, but I do know and listen to some of these artists.

Make sure you check my Wednesday post!
Tossing It Out
Anonymous said…
You have some great taste in music!
Anonymous said…
I love some of these songs, especially numbers seven and nine!
Love some of these! I didn't really discover The Cure until college, but I'm a huge fan now. I was between Friday I'm in Love and Just Like Heaven. Ended up picking Friday, but it really was a tie.
fallen monkey said…
Where to start after all the delicious and wonderful thoughts your playlist has swarming in my head:

- "Pretty Vegas": Yum. He totally channels Hutchence. Damn, why can't my husband pull off guyliner...

- Oh, kick ass---songs #2-4 are already on my '80s playlist for your London book party that will unleash Three Daves into the UK! Whoop! Kindred spirits...guess it's the shared genetics.

- The Madness video just reinforces that we needs must take a trip on the Tube to Camden Town, to the very pub where the madness of Madness began!!!

So bummed I missed out on this hop, but hope to pull together a little somethin'-somethin' for the 31st.
fallen monkey said…
Oops, never mind; I think I'm too late for the 31st blog-hop...
Trisha said…
There is a bit of overlap in our music taste, but I didn't choose any of the artists you did for your top 10. Nirvana certainly changed my life back in the day though :D
Olivr said…
nice list.. i'll have my own one of these days..
Deniz Bevan said…
Great choices - especially Just Like Heaven. I love all these artists (er, except Michael Buble), too!
James Garcia Jr said…
Hello, Nicki. Good to meet you. I'm working through the rest of the list, and having fun doing it. Great list you have here. "Our House" by Madness was one of my faves, but I was unfamiliar with this song you chose. I, too, would rather have Hutchence alive and well and still with the band, but some of the songs on that album were pretty good, "Pretty Vegas" being one of them.
My family has discovered Michael Buble this past year and love what he does. "And She Was" by the Talking Heads sits on my iPod as only a few from that band that I like. I haven't heard it in a while - I may have to give it a listen today.
Thanks for participating,


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