A Stylish Smile

 I'm no Carey Grant, but that didn't stop Kelly Dexter, Jennifer Lane, and Celery Tree from granting me with the Stylish Blogger Award and Lisa Galek from giving me the Making Smiles on Faces Award!  Thank you, ladies.  You certainly did make me smile---in a very stylish way, of course.  To accept these awards I am to reveal seven facts about myself and then pass along the awards to others, so here goes.

Seven things about moi:

1.  I'm not the least bit sorry for the wretched pun I made above.

2.  I'm deadset against cosmetic surgery.

3. Yet I slather myself in no less than five different anti-aging ointments and lotions every single day.

4. I often wonder---on principle, is there really any difference between 2 & 3?

5. I keep volunteering for sh!t I don't have time to do.

6. On February 1, I'm going to London to visit my sister!

7.  Did you hear me?  I'M GOING TO LONDON to visit my SISTER in less than two weeks!!!

And now to pass on those awards...

The Making Smiles on Faces Award, I pass along to:
Kelly Dexter at Nerdville Rhapsody
Jennifer Lane at Jennifer Lane Books
L.A. DeVaul and KarenG at Celery Tree
Kelsey Ketch at Ketch Tavern
Katie Anderson at Katie Anderson Writer
Kittie Howard at The Block

And the Stylish Blogger Award goes to:
Lisa Galek at Read. Write. Repeat
C. K. Wagner at The Fallen Monkey
Michael at In Time...
Sondrae Bennett at Sondrae's Corner



Michael Di Gesu said…
I just took a much needed break from editing and I decided to drop by. You are too sweet.

Thank you for the award....

I am so jealous that you're going to London in two weeks. How cool is it to have a sister living there. I'd move right in with her. I LOVE London.

You're going to have THE best time.

I can't believe I'm on my final six pages of my edit. This novel took a lot out of me because of the intense subject matter. I am thrilled with the outcome though, so it was well worth it.

I can't wait until next week when all of this ABNA stuff is over.

CONGRATS on your awards and thanks again.

Unknown said…
Nicki, these things about you are very entertaining, especially the going to London bit, which of course you had to milk for two items as it is completely worthy of it. Going to London?! Awesome!!! And we are very jealous.

Thanks for giving us this wonderful award, and have fun in London. Hope you get lots of shopping done!

L.A. DeVaul and KarenG
Michael Di Gesu said…
Thank, Nicki

I love awards and receiving the Making smiles on faces award made me smile.....

You're a sweetie..

Sondrae Bennett said…
Thank you! I'm flattered. Now I need to brainstorm seven things about me.

Have an amazing time in London! How fun!
Congrats on the awards! And London! How exciting!
Anonymous said…
Thank you, sistah! I'm doing the smiley face's little dance myself over receiving the award and in anticipation of your visit!! Dare I say the sun has actually come out these last couple days---fingers crossed it'll show its mug as of Feb 1. I spent hours yesterday compiling an 80s music mix for the gathering in your and Three Daves honor :)
Kittie Howard said…
Nicki, thank you for the award. I' happy to pass it on. Can't have too many smiles in the world. You are soooo sweet to think of me!

I LOVE London and wish I had a sister living there. It's exciting that you're going. I'm VERY excited for you! Have some fish and chips for me (love that stuff). Looking forward to hearing about your trip!!!
Lisa Galek said…
Stylish and smiley - very nice!

Thanks for passing back to me and have an amazing time in London (OMG! London!).
Anonymous said…
Thank you, Nicki!!! I'll be posting this soon. :)
Katie Anderson said…
Thank you Nicki!
Congratulations on the awards!
And learn when to say no.
Nice list of fun things! My sister lives in Alaska and I don't get to see her often, either. Then again, she lives in the boring, interior part of Alaska...maybe I need to start convincing her London would be a lovely place to live so I can go there, too!! Have a wonderful time and thanks for the award!
Jennifer Lane said…
Thank you for the smiley! You're going to LONDON to visit your sister??? Awesome! Have you ever been before? My oldest sister actually lived in London for a few years and I had the good fortune to visit her there. I saw 5 West End shows in one week (Cats, Les Mis, Sunset Boulevard, Starlight Express, and Miss Saigon). Have a great time.
Nicki Elson said…
Hooray---thanks, everyone, for stopping by to pick up your awards AND for making the blog experience so fun for me. Alex, the ONLY reason I didn't give you one is b/c I see you're constantly winning awards and figured you might be getting tired of them.

Thanks also for your well wished in London---Fish & Chips it is, Kittie. I'm sure Alaska to London wouldn't be a culture shock at all for you sissy, erica---really, why doesn't she consider YOU in these choices, like Jennifer's and mine did? Thanks, Monkey! :)
M.J. Nicholls said…
Thank you for my stylish blog award. I hope this transfers itself to my dress sense. (I'm a tweed and cotton man).

Enjoy your sojourn to Blightly. :)
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much, and you are so very welcome :-)
fallen monkey said…
Pssst...Got something for you and your awesomeness here: http://thefallenmonkey.com/2011/01/24/war-of-the-worries-and-warm-fuzzies/

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