A Spunky Book Trailer Contest and a Rockin' Blogfest

Guess what - the Three Daves trailer made it to the second round in Spunk on a Stick's Book Trailer Contest! Thank you L. Diane Wolfe for hosting the contest, and thank you Alex. J. Cavanaugh for tipping me off about it. It's a shame he and I now have to be mortal enemies until January 9 when the contest ends...  By the way, the grand prize is a set of Diane's YA The Circle of Friends series of books donated to the library of the winner's choice.  Pretty cool, huh?

And I have some more thanks to hand out.  Thank you Barb Hallworth (bworthit@hotmail.com), the creative genius who put the Three Daves trailer all together.  And thank you Intervox, the band that composed and performed the awesome song "One Fine Day" that sets the tone (follow them on Twitter @intervoxmusic).  Here, lets have a look at what their imagination and talent hath wrought:


And finally, THANK YOU to all of you who voted me through!  If you'd like to see the top seven trailers and vote for your favorite, stop by Diane's blog

And now about that Blogfest---Alex J. Cavanaugh is hosting a blowout of a blogfest on January 24 and already has over 50 bloggers signed up!  Come join us.  All you have to do is countdown your Top Ten Songs of all time!  (Yeah, yeah, I know---all time, not just 80s *hmphf*). 


Summer Ross said…
I'll be there.
Nicki Elson said…
Yay, Summer!
See, we can't be mortal enemies if you're plugging my blogfest, now can we?
Nicki Elson said…
Yeah, I sort of suck at the "mortal enemies" thing, don't I? ;)
L. Diane Wolfe said…
Thanks for posting about the contest!! Good luck!
Nicki Elson said…
But of course, Diane, it's the least I could do. Thanks!
JJ said…
Nicki: The blog hop sounds great. I joined. Thanks for the tip, and for visiting my blog.
Nicki Elson said…
Awesome JJ! Yours will be the first countdown I stop by to see. ;)

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