One Lovely Blog

A Big THANK YOU to the always fun and interesting Zoe C. Courtman, horror writer for awarding me with the One Lovely Blog Award.

I confess, I've been coveting this one ever since I first saw it on someone else's blog.  And thanks to Blogger's easy peasy template designer, I actually feel like I deserve it.  Doesn't it look so great with my grey background? Thanks Zoe.

While I'm busy patting myself on the back...I'm tickled to tell you that the Three Daves book trailer has surpassed 1500 views! Eternal gratitude to the director and editor, Barb Hallworth. (If you wanna help me get to 2000, give it a watch. ;))

And now, to accept the One Lovely Blog Award, I am to bestow it upon fifteen worthy blogs that I have recently discovered.  I must have amazing taste in blogs, because so many of the ones I follow already won this award!  Congrats to all of you, and to the fifteen new recipients whose blogs are lovely inside and out:   


Talei said…
Oh wow! Congrats to you Nicki!! I love the picture too. ;) And thank you so much for bestowing to my blog - I'm going to happily add it to my lovely collection!!
Congratulations on the award!
And 1500 views is amazing.
Vicki Rocho said…
Congrats on the 1500 views! That's fantastic!

Thank you for the award...this now officially an award hoarder (again).
Congratulations on your blog award. It is a pretty one!

I'm coveting those combat boots. I used to have a pair just like them.
Deniz Bevan said…
Thanks so much for the award Nicki! That's a great trailer - love the representative shoes :-)
watched your trailer!! how awesome!
Nicki Elson said…
Hey everyone! Thanks so much for stopping by to collect your award and/or watch the trailer! I bet you were awesome in your combat boots, Theresa!

I just returned from seeing the Facebook movie, and I'm wondering when they're going to do the Blogger movie. I'd watch a You Tube movie too. ;)
Katie Anderson said…
Thank you for the award Nicki! I spotted it the other day and have been saving it to reveal in a suitable post on my blog :)

Have a good weekend!
Nicki Elson said…
You're welcome, Katie. I do love your blog. And save away, I held on to it for, like, two weeks before finally posting.
It's my Life said…
Thanks for the award Nicki, so sweet. I'm glad to know someone is enjoying my ramblings of my daily life. Love the trailer, when's the movie comeing out??????
fallen monkey said…
Pssst...did you see I awarded you another Versatile Blogger award as well blog-tagged you? Here 'tis if not:
Nicki Elson said…
Thanks for watching the video, L! Glad you enjoyed the award. :)

Monkey! I did see the tag and award and thought I left you comment, but didn't so I just did. Thanks, dearie.
Roxy said…
Thanks for the award, Nicki. You are very kind to share it with me. I really enjoyed the trailer. I wish I were taller, short people don't look so good in combat boots.
Nicki Elson said…
You're welcome, Roxy!

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