Help! an Author Monday

I am SO close to a 100 Follower Trifecta!  On Blogger, Facebook & Twitter I'm less than 10 followers away from reaching that golden threshhold. And so, I'm putting out a plea on all three social networks to see if I can close the gaps.

And when I do...I'll give you a 100 Follower Contest unlike any you've seen so far!  The only thing I'll tell you about it is that it's going to be absolutely ridiculous.  Up for it?  If you'd like to help me get there, please follow me on any and all of the following: Blogger (duh), Facebook, and Twitter.  Danke shoen! ;)  
I know I've been a little blog hop happy lately, but I can't help it---people keep coming up with such good ones!  The new Blog Hop I've entered is an extremely cool one for writers of all shapes and sizes.  You can read more about it in the post below.

And...Meet an Author Monday is here once again.  Please stop by and visit any of the lovely authors below to see what wisdom they can impart upon your day.

If you are a published author and join our hop, please paste the blog hop icon and code in your post so readers can keep hopping.


Amos Keppler said…
It's easy getting followers. Getting quality followers is harder, though. You need to take your time and be picky, not accept the purely advertising accounts and such.

I have 1300 followers on Twitter, but it has taken me two years.
Marieke said…
Wow, well done! I'm hoping for 100 on my blog in the foreseeable future... mainly so I have an excuse for a contest :P
You'll hit it really soon!!
Nicki Elson said…
A hear you, Amos. Quality followers are like gold.

Thanks, Marieke :) Good luck to you on hitting the 110. I look forward to your contest. ;)

Aww, thanks, Alex.
Anonymous said…
Nicki, totally off-topic but I have to share this with you. I watched VALLEY GIRL with the adorable Nicholas Cage this weekend and thought of you. Such a great movie. :-)
Nicki Elson said…
Haha, Liz, looks like we were blogging at the same time! Can I just tell you how much I LOVE that Valley Girl made you think of little ol' me? Lots! A classic.
JJ said…
Nicki: Your site is dynamite! You will hit 100 very soon. As for the blog hop, I have to find out what it's all about and I will give it a go. Thanks.
Marie Harte said…
Wow! 100 followers? I don't have nearly that many! Good on ya! Oh, and I like the combat boots in your header. :)

Anonymous said…
You're almost there! It'll happen.
Anonymous said…
Nicki, I mentioned your contest in my post today. Hopefully that will help you reach your goal! Almost there!!
Nicki Elson said…
Aw, thanks all of you. To be honest, I can't believe I've even gotten this may.

Liz - THANK YOU! That is so unexpected and nice of you. :)
Sondrae Bennett said…
Wow, 100 followers is great! I'll do my part :)
Nicki Elson said…
Thanks Sondrae! You're so sweet. ;)

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