The First Novel that Moved Me

Hey, I'm double blog-hopping today, because while hopping on the first one I saw a second one that was too delicious to pass up.  It's hosted by Brad Jaeger, and the theme on which we are to blog is "The First Novel that Moved Me."

The first novel that ever moved me, that ever sucked me in and wouldn't let go until the adventure was completed, that clung to me long after I finished reading was Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH.  I don't remember exactly how old I was when I first read it, but I think it was either 4th or 5th grade.

It was the cute mousey on the cover that drew me in, but it was the intrigue and mystery of the rats and the secret of Mr. Frisby's past that kept me turning the pages.

And the resilient Mrs. Frisby was such a simple but admirable protagonist for my young mind to relate to.  I think she's the reason this story has resonated with me after all these years, because she felt so very real to me, and real-feeling characters---no matter what crazy situation they're thrown into---are my number one requirement in stories that I read and write.

So how about you?  What's the first story that ever moved you? (You have 'till midnight to join le hop.)


Vicki Rocho said…
Ohhh! I loved Mrs. Frisby. I even bought it for my kids, but I don't think they've read it...what's wrong with them? hahaha
Anonymous said…
thanks for visiting my blog
the first story that moved me was Hans Christian Anderson's "The Little Match Girl", even now it makes me tear up.
Marieke said…
NIMH! Yay! :D
Nicki Elson said…
Vicki - my kids won't read it either! Apparetnly it was a mistake to tell them how much I loved it. :/

eeleenlee - it was my pleasure to visit your blog. Glad to see you on the author blog hop. You can join this one too if you want to do a post on "The Little Match Girl." I've never read that one - I'll save it for a day on which I wanna get misty. :(

Marieke - NIMH Rules!
Is it like the Secret of NIMH? I was a fan of the Mouse and the Motorcycle at that age!
Nicki Elson said…
I think Secret of NIHM is the same thing; it's just the movie name. I read Mouse and the Motorcycle to my son. :) Love a good mouse tale (get it?)
Brad Jaeger said…
OK, that is an adorable cover. It's almost enough to get me to read it on its own!

Thanks again for participating!
Deniz Bevan said…
Oh I love that story! It wasn't the first one, but it is one that I've reread often over the years.
I loved The Rats of NIMH! Let's see, the first book that pulled me in was Lassie Come Home. I've always loved dogs and that book tugged on my hearts strings.
Nicki Elson said…
Yeah, Brad, gotta give cute mousies a chance -- and it's a great book, just ask Deniz & Kathi! ;)
JJ said…
Nicki: Found you on Roxy's blog, a woman's write. I love your site and would like to follow along. I invite you to follow mine as well. Thanks.

The Disconnected Writer
Nicki Elson said…
Hi JJ. So glad you found me at Roxy's place. :)

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