A blog by suburban Chicago romance writer Nicki Elson. She shares her perspective on novel writing, marketing, and other random bits of a writer's life. Every post ends with a happily ever after.
Hahaha, glad you liked it Jennifer. I was reading through a bunch when I linked Deep Thoughts to an earlier post and they just CRACK ME UP. More will be forthcoming. ;)
Roland -- yup, I think you're right about the sociopaths. It was my pleasure to drop by your blog...a visit long overdure.
Elliot -- No way! We've got to start an 80s fic sub genre. Thanks for coming over, and bully for you on the electric furnace. Hope that means the trees around you have cut back on the screaming. ;)
We're celebrating the release of Julie Flanders' The Ghosts of Aquinnah and Lexa Cain's Soul Cutter with a Dreams Destinations blog hop. Aaand Lexa & Julie are hosting a great GIVEAWAY. Visit either Lexa's blog or Julie's blog to enter and also to find the Linky list so you can travel to more dream destinations. It was unbelievably difficult for me to settle on just one place. I decided to make it somewhere I'd never been before...and then I decided to stop over thinking and just pick a place already...and I landed at Piazza San Marco in Venezia, or as we call it for some reason, Venice. (Does anyone know why we don't all call it Venezia?) I would stroll the square, sidestepping pigeons and saying buongiorno to people whose eyes met mine, not worrying about my sorry accent. I would have tickets for that evening's opera in my pocket and a caffe-flavored gelato in my hand. I'd be wearing a darling scarf I'd just purchased, arr...
Yay, today's the day for another of Alex. J. Cavannaugh's famous blogfests. I'd like to thank him not only for hosting, but for keeping it simple & fun---coming up with this list and looking at posters of my most favorite movies turned out to be quite a cathartic exercise. I hope you found it to be the same (assuming you were in need of catharting). Thanks, Big Al. These are in the order of my affection for them: 1. Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl 2. Raiders of the Lost Ark 3. Star Wars: A New Hope 4. When Harry Met Sally 5. Return of the Jedi 6. The Empire Strikes Back 7. Toy Story 8. Mystic Pizza 9. Goodfellas 10. Jaws I'm allowing myself two more because I think it was really good of me to count the original Star Wars Trilogy as three separate entries: 11. Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring 12. Pirates of the Caribbean: D...
(First paragraph modified to first person from Suze's lovely words) I'm up before dawn on a Saturday when the doorbell rings. I haven't brewed my coffee so I wonder if I imagined the sound. Plonking the half-filled carafe in the sink, I go to the front door and cautiously swing it open. No one there. As I cast my eyes to the ground, I see a parcel addressed to me ... from me. I scoop it up and haul it inside, sensing something legitimate despite the extreme oddness of the situation. Carefully, I pry it open. Inside is a shoebox -- sent from ten years in the future -- and it's filled with items I have sent myself. Each item is contained in an envelope. Two envelopes are blank, but scrawled across one, in the eerily familiar penmanship that only I can accurately decipher, are the words: "The solution to the thing you're worrying abo...
Thanks for dropping in at my blog and commenting. It was very welcome. Roland
Incidentally, my upcoming release also takes place in the 80's. Good times...
Elliot -- No way! We've got to start an 80s fic sub genre. Thanks for coming over, and bully for you on the electric furnace. Hope that means the trees around you have cut back on the screaming. ;)