Meet an Author Monday

Welcome to Meet and Author Monday! To meet new authors and discover great reads, simply visit any of the author links at our hostess, Cali Cheer Mom's, blog post.  Look for our "Meet an Author Monday" icon at any of the blogs listed there to keep on hoppin.  

Authors! Have a book out? Are you under contract for publication? Join in the hop for a great way to network your blog and let readers know who you are.

While you're hopping, you'll see that the awesome Jennifer Lane, author of With Good Behavior, has posted an interview with moi and a four star review of Three Daves!  Along with listing her favorite 80s moments in the book, she had some very nice things to say, including:

I really thought that Nicki Elson showed a realistic portrayal of college. Sure, we grow intellectually at college, but personal development seems to matter the most during these years. The formation of Jen's identity was subtle yet strong, aided by the Three Daves along the way. She starts off as a chameleon but grows into a confident young woman who is not afraid to be herself. In terms of which Dave she chose at the end, I was very satisfied. (He was my choice too!)

Read the whole review HERE.  Thanks Jennifer!


Anonymous said…
Hi, Nicki! Read the interview - it was wonderful! Great way to celebrate Meet an Author Monday! Hope you're having a great day!
Nicki Elson said…
Hey guys, thanks! I'm back home now and ready to start hoppin' ;)
Awesome review! Total flashbacks to college! What fun! I'll add your book to my Goodreads list!
Nicki, just letting you know you won a book from my blog contest! Please e-mail me (sandraATsandraulbrichDOTcom)with your shipping address so I can send it out to you.
Nicki Elson said…
Thanks Tamara! I'll be honored to be on your Goodreads list. :)

Yahoo, Sandra! Thanks. I'll be in touch.

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