Who's Feeling Retro & Romantic?

For my very first ever blogfest, I've teamed up w/ fellow 80s girls
 to ask you one simple question:
 Who was/is your 80s celebrity crush?

Please tell us on February, 10
in the Tumble 4 Ya Blogfest! 

(Much thanks to Suze for designing our awesome fest icon)

All you have to do is sign up in the Linky below, and then on Friday, February 10 post a picture, video, or whatever of the celebrity you most tumbled for in the 80s.  We'd also love to know just what it was that made ya tumble 4 them. If you weren't of crushing age during the 80s, no problem---fess up to which 80s star most makes you tumble now.  Basically, we're just looking for a few pre-Valentine's Day laughs. ;)

(P.S. It's safe to assume we'd love for you to put our Blogfest icon in your sidebar & tell all your friends about it.)


I used to fancy Anne Diamond off breakfast TV for some reason.
Tara Tyler said…
so this is the big 80s blogfest! gnarly, dudette!
Anonymous said…
I'm doing another blogfest that day, but I'm going to do both. This sound irresistible.
M Pax said…
Woot, woot!
Jennifer Lane said…
Thanks for getting Culture Club in my head!!!
we haven't done a blogfest in forever and this is fun AND easy! christy
Luanne G. Smith said…
Now, which crush to choose from? There were many, but I don't think any involved Boy George. :P
Michael Di Gesu said…
Such fun, you know I'm in...

LOVED catching up today. The crazed friend is calm once more. We shall see ...

So looking forward to hoping around on the 10th... we'll need the exercise with all the Valentines candy coming into the house....
Michael Di Gesu said…
Such fun, you know I'm in...

LOVED catching up today. The crazed friend is calm once more. We shall see ...

So looking forward to hoping around on the 10th... we'll need the exercise with all the Valentines candy coming into the house....
Hope Roberson said…
So fun! And so glad to have found your blog! Hmmm, which 80's hunk am I going to pick? I'll need the time to decide :)
I just heard Wake Me Up Before you Go Go by Wham last week. I hadn't hear the song in YEARS! Ah, those t-shirts with the giant letters...
DL Hammons said…
I'm in!!!! :)
Julie Flanders said…
Oh my gosh, what a fantastic idea!! How fun, can't wait to read all the entries. Adding your button to my blog now, too! :)
Arlee Bird said…
Okay, you got me with this one. I'm in!

A Faraway View
Anonymous said…
I have the last post in one of my series on silent film scheduled for that day, but I can always have two posts on the same day or reschedule the post on silents. I love the Eighties, and I think my choice might be unique to me, since he didn't get the same attention as some other handsome guys of the Eighties.
Suze said…
Great turn out, so far!
I am so glad I found this.
I am totally in, and I am even offering a prize to anyone that guesses my 80s crush before I post it!

- Tim
Nissa Annakindt said…
Who knew there were so many bloggers who still remembered the eighties?
Anonymous said…
I'll Tumble 4 You... I like that!

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