Unexpected 80s

You weren't expecting that, were you? Me neither. Muchos gracias to my sister across the pond, who regularly shares the best of the BBC with me. We're so booking these guys next time I visit her.

Even though I'm not doing A to Z here, I managed to finagle a letter over at Bouquet of Books, so today you can read all about the O character I contributed to Jackie's A to Z characters theme.

Also, for whoever had a Goodreads account and is in the mood for some mindless clicking, I would just lourve it if you'd go to this link and vote for Divine Temptation on any of those lists. Thank ya.


Sure, I'll go vote!
Johanna Garth said…
Easy peasy :) Off to vote!
Arlee Bird said…
I like weird music mash-ups. This mariachi take is definitely weird, but pretty well done. I don't think I'll be buying their album though. This is a party band.

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out
Janie Junebug said…
What a funny video. Definitely unexpected. I shall vote.

Mark Means said…
LOL...that video was nothing short of awesome!

Now...off to vote! :)
Love the party vibe.
80's music is the best!
Off to do some mindless clickety clicks...

Writer In Transit
Suze said…
Babe, are you getting my emails from the new address? I sent a couple like ten days ago but never heard back.

Also, I sent this link to like six people, yesterday. 'Twas a hit.
Michael Di Gesu said…
Off to vote...

Hope the weather is warming up... I want to come home... But not until it hits above sixty for seven days strait ... LOL.
nutschell said…
this reminds me of the mariachi music that's always blaring from somewhere on the next street :)
Anonymous said…
Loved the video.

Thanks for passing by my blog and the lovely comment.


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