Have Fun & Godspeed, A to Z-ers

*sigh* I'm not doing the A to Z Challenge this year---the timing is bad for me with too many April 2013 obligations in my hopper, but I refuse to miss out on all the fun, so you'll be seeing my face around your place at least once or twice this month. You can also catch a glimpse of me on D day at Michael Di Gesu's and on O day at Jackie Felger's Bouquet of Books. On April 26, Anne Gallagher at Piedmont Writer and I are planning a fun post---so I'm sorry to tell you that you're not entirely rid of me for the month. 

Since I'm here today, I suppose I could at least give you an A, eh? 

A is for Angel

With the release of Divine Temptation, angels are on my mind, and sometimes certain humans are very angel-like---my head editor, Kimberly Blythe, for example, who stepped into the process when I needed her most and amazed me with her objectivity and wisdom. Her wonderful suggestions allowed me to address publisher concerns while keeping intact every single thing that was important to me. And then this angel came through with a review on opening day that brought me both tingles & tears: Divine and Diabolical

Suze of Subliminal Coffee is another such angel. She had the misfortune of being in contact with me when I was first clued into the aforementioned concerns, and while my natural way to have handled the situation would've been to promptly launch into a full-on freak out, she calmly and logically helped me to view the situation from a reasonable perspective, thus allowing me to take a much needed breath and carry on. I'm so abundantly grateful to both these angels. If not for them, this lovely box may have never landed on my doorstep: 


Suze is indeed an angel!
A whole box of your books - are you excited?
Julie Flanders said…
How exciting to see that box! I can't wait to read your book. :)
Dani said…
Oh how exciting! Look at that beautiful cover (and so many) inside that box! Awesomeness!
Janie Junebug said…
I had a box land on my front steps this afternoon, and in it was a certain someone's divine book!

DL Hammons said…
That's got to be the most amazing feeling seeing all those books with your name on it!

I'm gonna hold you to your promise of seeing you around!! :)
Mark Means said…
I completely understand you not doing A to Z...it can be daunting..especially if you have a lot going on.

Hope to see you around, though, and a box of books...with my name on them?? I'd be thrilled beyond belief...congrats :)
A box of your books definitely sounds like a wonderful gift, and I like the cover too! I agree that there are some people who are like angels, and it's good that you have them in your life. It makes me think of that Meg Ryan movie City of Angels, where the angels looked like humans and tried to help people in their own way.
Elliot Grace said…
...hoping that heavenly beings will lead your way to angelic sales heights ;)


Anne Gallagher said…
Guess I better get with the program then. Give me a couple of days and I'll send you some questions. I'll pen you in.
Michael Di Gesu said…
HI, Nicki,

LOVE that box full of Devine Temptation! I can't wait until the day I receive such a box.... LOL. I just LOVE the mystery of it all, WHEN... Let's stick with a positive...

Yes, the A-Z is going well. I am still keeping up without wifi.... GRrrrrrrr!

I am collecting info on Three Daves this morning to write the intro later today. Of course, Divine is .... Divine. LOL.

Have a great week and see you in a few days!
Al Diaz said…
Many angels in your path. I bet having the books is extremely exciting! Thanks for visiting and have a great Tuesday! :D
Cherie Colyer said…
It's such a great feeling to open a box filled with your books! And they are beautiful! It sounds like you have some wonderful angels on your side. Best wishes!
nutschell said…
ooh what intriguing covers!!! Congrats! I skipped AZ this year too, in favor of rewrites.
I believe in Angels.
Mina Burrows said…
Beautiful covers! Divine and Diabolical...that sounds like a great review. Congrats. I totally understand. Its hard to do it all.
Chancelet said…
Fortunes are abound in the land of Angels! May your success continue.
Carol Kilgore said…
I loved your book at Michael's yesterday. It's on my Amazon list. If I ever have time to go to Amazon again - LOL.
Tammy Theriault said…
send one my way!! :D
I'm not doing the a to z either, but that is my time management probs, but maybe next year!
Unknown said…
Oh, how pretty your books look in their box :-)
Suze said…
I canNOT believe it took me this long to get to this post!!

Nick, I was so, so touched when I got my signed copy and saw my name in the acknowledgments! I felt all famous. ;P

I am honored to have played a part in the journey of this book. Thank you so much for my copy and I send you the hugest hug.
nutschell said…
Thanks for visiting my blog, Nicki! Hope your writing is going well:)

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