I Just Got Pinteresting

I don't expect to be a frequent Pinterester, but I've been interested in setting up an author account there, and yesterday I finally did---spurred on by my desire to share the mad crafting skillz that have become my latest obsession, that thing I shouldn't be doing that I'm spending way too much time on (but I've got a lovely group of people coming to my Wine & Sign Party next week and there's not a chance I'm letting any of them escape without a homemade bookmark).

Now that my Pinterest page is set up, I see the real beauty in it. It's not promo, it's organization. It's one fabulous overview of the fun stuff I want to keep track of! If any of you are Pinterested, please come find me over there or leave a link to your page in the comments below. I want to see your fun stuff too. :)

And now if you'll excuse me, I've got a lot more of these to make:



Have fun with it!
Julie Flanders said…
I've had a Pinterest account for a while but never really used it. I've just started trying to use it more and am enjoying it now. Heading over to your page now! :)
Cherie Colyer said…
I really need to check out Pinterester. One more thing on my to do list.

I love the bookmarks, they're so pretty! I've marked my calendar for next week. Sounds like a great time! And then I can put my signed copy of Divine Temptation right next to Three Daves!
Dani said…
Oh those are so cute!!
Good luck with your Pinterest search for Danielle Bertrand... you should find me that way.
Suze said…
You are quite Pinteresting, my love. Do I get a homemade bookmark for Christmas to go with my copy of DT, this year?
Michael Di Gesu said…
NO wonder I haven't seen you at my blog... Hmmmm. I wanna come to the event! But sadly I am still here in Florida.

Why do you always have these events when I am out of town.... makes one think!

LOVELY bookmarks... Save me one. P L E A S E!!!!

Janie Junebug said…
Your thingy you're making is adorable. I don't pinterest and am afraid to start because I've heard it's addictive. I wish I could be at the wine and sign party. I can whine with the best of them. I've started Divine Temptation, and I love it. Would you like me to interview you for a blog post before I review it? It will probably take me another week or two to finish reading it.

Mark Means said…
Very cool! While I'm a wiz with Google Plus, I have to admit...Pintrest has me stumped :)

Left and Write
Beautiful! Have fun with pinterest!
That looks so cool! That's so resourceful of you to make those, and they're nicer than the ones you can buy in stores, which are often overpriced anyway. I wish I could make stuff like that, but I've never been good at making crafts; seeing as how it takes me about ten minutes every day just to untangle my headphones for my iPod, I figure it would take me a lot longer to figure out how to make one of those. :)
DL Hammons said…
I ran right over and followed you! :)
Donna Shields said…
I have an account too. But as you said, it can suck you in and not let you go. Kinda like researching on the internet, lol.
nutschell said…
this reminds me, I have to add more stuff to my own board!

Cherie Colyer said…
Hi Nicki :) I'm looking forward to your book signing Thursday!

I nominated you for an award on my blog. Click here to learn more.

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