Who You Callin' Insecure?

As I stated in the post below, my next book is going to be released very, very soon. 'Nuff said, right? My list of insecurities this month is too long to even think about much less put into words here. So I'm not going to acknowledge them on any level. I'll simply focus on the tasks I've laid out for myself in the post below until the insecurities have been zapped from existence. ...is it just me, or does anyone else get the distinct impression that I want them to visit the post below??

The Insecure Writer's Support Group is a monthly bloghop hosted by Alex J. Cavanaugh. Visit his blog for the full list of fellow insecurists.


Tonja Drecker said…
Lol! Good. I gave in and visited it ;) CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!
LD Masterson said…
Okay, okay, I visited the post below.
And commented there.
Suze said…
Yer cute. Can't wait for the cover reveal. Seriously! I'm excited for ya, babe.
Mark Means said…
Second book and you're insecure? You're head and shoulders over where I am in the process, so you should be feeling pretty good :)

Best of luck with it, by the way...I'm sure it will be great :)
Cherie Colyer said…
I did get the hint that we need to read your previous post :) Congrats on the new book!
Johanna Garth said…
I think when you're looking at a book release you have to pretend your insecurities into nonexistence.
nutschell said…
COngrats on the new book! I'm sure you're busy as a bee trying to get ready for it!
I had a look at the other blog, House of Cards looks interesting.
I had a look at the other blog, House of Cards looks interesting.
Already visited! And can't wait to see what Michael does with it.
Janie Junebug said…
I look forward to seeing the cover!

DL Hammons said…
Excellent plan of attack! :)
Jennifer Lane said…
Yo! I ain't calling you insecure. You callin' me insecure? ;-)

Can't wait to see the cover.
Arlee Bird said…
I went to the post below and left a comment. What a tricky way to get two comments in one visit.

Congratulations on the book to come.

Writers Workshop
An A to Z Co-host blog
dolorah said…
commented below.

Tara Tyler said…
yay nicki! sign me up!
Michael Di Gesu said…

SO funny. Baby steps... You've been through this before. IT WILL BE GREAT!!!!!
M Pax said…
You're very persuasive :D

Sign me up!

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