
Some of you may have noticed that I was all chit-chatty here for a while about my upcoming novel, Divine Temptation, and then...siiiiilence.  That's because we hit a snag in the editing process, and I convinced myself that I'd jinxed the book by talking about it too publicly. But I'm happy to report that it has passed on to the last phase of the pre-publication process (tentative release date of March 26), and things are moving along well enough that I'm emerging from my vow of silence.

The first exciting news is that my publisher has approved Michael Di Gesu as the exclusive host of my cover reveal! The reveal will be NEXT Monday, March 11. Michael has begun writing the most clever and fun cover intro's so I'm absolutely thrilled about this development.

The next piece of news is that I'm finally going to answer the last question in The Next Big Thing...and then I'm gonna celebrate with a giveaway! 

10. What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

I don't know about you, but I find it interesting that my little story has already stirred up a bit of controversy among the staff at my publisher. I've always wanted to write books that incited debate and pushed buttons, and I can now definitively say that Divine Temptation does that. What's really fun is that, like Three Daves, it has the potential to fluster readers at polar opposite ends of a spectrum. What can I say---I'm an equal opportunity offender.

Divine Temptation goodies should come rolling in fast & furious, and as I explain at the Divine Temptation Launch page, I'd love some help in spreading the word once these items are available---I've devised a plan that I hope can fit into the busiest of schedules. One small way for me to say THANK YOU is through the giveaway below. It's open to anyone who signs up for my e-mail list.

Zee Prizes:
I've cleared it with my publisher to give away to one winner an Advanced Reader Copy of Divine TemptationIt should be ready within a couple of weeks. And I just know you all have a lot of other books on your wishlist, so I'm also giving away a $15 gift certificate to Barnes & Noble or Amazon, winner's choice. Lastly  I'm giving away one pdf copy of the premiere issue of Insatiable: The Magazine of Paranormal Desires, which includes my short story "Impressionism 101." 

(If you're already on my e-mail list, go ahead and check off the first box in the Rafflecopter. You can sign in either with Facebook or your e-mail, which only I will see). 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Jennifer Lane said…
I am SO freaking intrigued. I love that you are stirring up controversy! And I know it's painful when you hit a snag but I'm sure it will make the story better now that you're on the other side.
Looking forward to the cover reveal! Michael does such an awesome job with those.
Johanna Garth said…
I'm so excited for you! Can't wait to see what Michael does with the cover reveal.
F. Stone said…
I'm so happy for you, Nicki. It's almost torture having to wait for the big reveal. Congratulations.
Julie Flanders said…
How exciting! Looking forward to next week's reveal, Michael always does such great posts. Congratulations!
DL Hammons said…
Great! Michael will do a smash up job for you!! :)
Luanne G. Smith said…
Glad to hear you're jumping hurdles and the book is on schedule. Looking forward to the cover reveal.
Mark Means said…
Best of luck and looking forward to that cover reveal!
Suze said…
This is absolutely wonderful! Congrats!
Janie Junebug said…
March 26th is Favorite Young Man's birthday, and he was born in 1980, the beginning of your special decade. I think March 26th is a good day to release a great book!

Anne Gallagher said…
Wow, look at you, stirring up controversy. what next, inciting a riot?

Congratulations! I'm so glad things are progressing now. Don't forget April 26 if you want it.
Michael Di Gesu said…

SOOOOO excited abou doing your EXCLUSIVE reveal. I am TRULY honored. I hope it's my best one yet!

I'm even curious about what I'll come up with... LOL.

That's interesting that your book was stirring up controversy; some of my favorite books have been the most controversial ones. And congratulations that the book is coming out soon! I can't enter the giveaway through Facebook, since I'm not on Facebook, but I'll go ahead and put in my e-mail address.
Very cool behind the scenes post! I look forward to hearing more about Divine Temptation!
LD Masterson said…
Is this "the post below"? (Yeah, I came here from Wednesday's post.)

I'm looking forward to the cover reveal and the controversy.
Suze said…
Look, everyone, it's the post below!
Cherie Colyer said…
Oh, I have already been waiting for Divine Temptation to be released. Now, I am dying to get my hands on it. You're such a tease!!
Arlee Bird said…
Oh controversy! I'm with you on that. I'll be happy to host you on Tossing It Out for a controversial post when you do your virtual book tour. Let me know when you want to set a date.

Writers Workshop
An A to Z Co-host blog
dolorah said…
Michael will do you book justice. What a fabulous shout out to your novel, and his talents. Love you both.

M Pax said…
I couldn't sign up through your sign up, but I will help. So include me :)

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