The Fashion Statement

I've gotten another entry in my Junk in a Box Competition! This one's from the wonderful Michael Di Gesu.   

The Fashion Statement

These are all ties and other accessories Michael wore in the 80s for photo shoots during his modeling days in New York. Can you say Movado? 

Isn't it cool?  I'm touched that he took the time to put this all together for my little contest.  As I've already informed him, he's the big winner!  He'll receive a signed copy of Three Daves (so excited to have him read it) and a One Hit Wonders of the 80s CD.  And you'll be treated to an upcoming post on everything Michael.  :) 

All three entries were fabulous, and the entrants incredibly sweet to indulge me, so I'll also send the two runners up a One Hit Wonders of the 80s CD.

Also, I'd like to explain why I've been so delayed in visiting your blogs and responding to your lovely comments.  I've been hanging out with these guys (and my sister who took the picture :))

And no, I didn't notice the sign to the right until JUST NOW!!!
My trip to London started 24 hours earlier than expected---I switched flights to avoid the impending snowstorm of the century and the slew of inevitable flight cancellations---and thus got thrown off schedule. But I wish everyone a splendid weekend, and I look forward to getting back in touch. (By the way, you can see an amazing photo of the snowstorm's aftermath at Michel's blog.)


Misha Gerrick said…
Oooh I love London.


erica and christy said…
Okay, so last fall when Michael said he was completely cleaning, renovating, and redecorating his apartment - THESE are the things he decided to keep???!!!! Although I suppose now he's glad he did!

Have a fun vacation, Nicki!
Alex J. Cavanaugh said…
Hey, have a great time in England! Lots to see.
Michael Di Gesu said…

Thanks, Nicki! I'm really looking forward to reading your book!

HAVE a great time in LONDON!

Karen Jones Gowen said…
I missed this intriguing contest! Congrats to Michel for winning!
Unknown said…
Oh my gosh what a fun contest!! Looks like I missed the awesome. Though I'm jealous I think Michael did an incredible job!!!

Have fun in London. I'm jealous!!

I also must check out Three Daves (PS care to be interviewed on my blog?) email me!
lotusgirl said…
I want to spend some time in London. It's time to go back.
M Pax said…
Hope you are having a fantastic time.
Talli Roland said…
Are you in LONDON? YAY! I hope you're having a great time and not getting blown away by all the window here these days!
Katie Anderson said…
Wow, that is a pretty impressive competition entry!

And I hope you had a wonderful time in London :)
fallen monkey said…
Still...laughing...And here I was saying seconds before snapping that shot, "No, it's not going to bite you!"

Ah, I enjoy seeing that diorama again--so artistically executed.
Jennifer Lane said…
Congrats, Michael!

Are you back, Nicki? Hope it was a blast! I'm about to leave for 10 days myself, to New Zealand, so I'll be scarce around these parts.

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