Did We Grind Dance in the 80s?

The administration at the local high school recently banned grind dancing at school functions, so naturally that's been a topic of discussion in these parts.  Among the many things that surprise me about the phenomena of children willingly doing everything short of fornicating in the middle of a public dance floor, are the comments I've heard from people who've graduated from high school within the last ten years.

They've told me: "What's the big deal? Haven't high school kids always danced like that?"

Um, I don't think so.  I went to plenty of proms and homecomings when I was in high school, and although I'm sure my boyfriend and all the other guys would've loved to rub their business all over us girls, I don't at any point remember me, or any of my girlfriends, or even any of the skanks at my school inviting them to do so in the middle of the dance floor.  Is my memory lacking, or did we high school students not grind dance in the 80s?


Hmm, no, not that I remember. I'm way young, graduated in 93, hehe, but no, I still don't remember that going on.
Nicki Elson said…
Oh you are a young 'un! Thanks for your input (a/k/a validation ;))
Talli Roland said…
Um, no! Certainly no grinding at my school. The girls would put their arms around the guys' shoulders; the guys put their hands on the girls' waist. That's about as grindy as it got!

And yes, it is indeed a small world! I couldn't believe it when I read on your sister's blog that YOU were her sister!
No. All I remember is take a few steps forward, take a few steps back. Yeah, I wasn't much of a dancer.
Nicki Elson said…
Hey Talli & Alex! Thanks for backing me up--and if we combine Tally's positioning w/ Alex's moves, we'd have quite an adorable dance. ;)
Michael Di Gesu said…
Same with me... no grinding. A bit of touchy feely here and there, but grinding with the parts.

Nicki Elson said…
"grinding with the parts" hehe...
fallen monkey said…
Oh, hell no! We didn't dance like that in the 90s either. But I've told you before of my horrors as a teacher chaperoning those events in the 21st century...how we had to modify the "no grind-dancing" rule to "no grind-dancing if the girl's hands are touching the floor and her bum is in the air." HONESTLY. And the chain of kids grind-dancing?? Where it's not even just couples, but friends grinding on friends in a string of five to ten?? WTF, as those little grind-dancers of today would say...

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