eBooks, Review, Party and Whatnot

First, a few announcements:  Three Daves is now available on the Barnes & Noble Nook, and also in ePack (PDF, ePub & MOBI).  Much thanks to Omnific's hardworking graphic designer, Coreen Montagna, for making it happen.  Also...Three Daves got a super awesome review at A Tale of Many Reviews!!!  Here's a snippet:

Three Daves is the sweetest, tragic yet works out well, love story I have read since The Notebook. Elson has written characters that I adore and every twist, turn, change, growth, obstacle, and step they took I went right along with them. Having just finished reading, I have a sense of relief for the characters,  goose bumps on my arms, and a smile on face.

Yeah, pretty big smile on my face too.  And now for some pics from London...1980s style!  My darling sister threw an 80s bash for me and her girlfriends, all of whom are also ex-pat Americans living in London.  It was so much fun getting a peek inside of my sister's life abroad, and amazingly wonderful to know she's got a great group of friends to keep her company.

In keeping w/ 80s London, on my last night we grabbed a pint at Dublin Castle in Camden Town, where many a British band has gotten its start---including one of my favourite 80s greats, Madness.

And now that I've had a few days to reacquaint myself with my real life, I look forward to visiting your blogs and seeing what's going on with yours. :)

'Tis Monday, so time for le Meet an Author Monday bloghop...but there are some technical difficulties w/ Linky. Have no fear, Cali Cheer Mom is on it, so check back here or there later and have a Hoppy Valentine's Day!


Michael Di Gesu said…
Great pics!

Sounds like you've got a HOT day planned. GOOD LUCK on the interview.. At least it's in the 40's and not O degrees today... YAY!


Unknown said…
Congrats on the review!

Great pics. Thanks for sharing. I shall have Madness tunes in my head all day now. :)
fallen monkey said…
*sigh* Good times, sis, good times. Though I don't know what in that first photo makes me want to barf more, my '80s hair or that Bacardi Breezer.

Sending my love to you on this Valentine's Day!
Karen Jones Gowen said…
Congrats on your review! Three Daves is on my to read list. I need to go on Goodreads and make it official. Welcome back, sounds like you had a blast!
Alex J. Cavanaugh said…
Congratulations! And I see a Pac Man cake...
Anonymous said…
Congrats on the review! And awesome photos! (Now, I want to go back and visit England *sniff*) Sounds like you had a lot of fun!!
erica and christy said…
Yay! Congrats on the review! Happy Valentine's Day! Christy
Nicki Elson said…
Thanks all for stopping by! It was fun catching up with you in the blog-o-sphere. :)
Joanna St. James said…
glad u had fun in my home country wish I could swap places with you.
Glad u had fun look at all those beautiful smiles and congrats on the amazing review
M Pax said…
What a great review! I'm glad you enjoyed your trip.
Glen said…
Good writing appears to flow through you family! Like the cake - Well done on the book!

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