Want to Know What Angels Look Like?

In case you don't already know this, Michael Di Gesu is amazing. Incredibly kind-hearted and talented. When I was handed the reins to arrange for my own cover reveal, I didn't even have to think to know that I wanted Michael to write up one of his unique, customized intros, and because I have such faith in his abilities, I wanted everyone to be introduced to the cover via his words, and so today his In Time... blog is the ONLY place you can see the Divine Temptation cover. 

He gave me a sneak peek at the intro over the weekend, and as I told him, I'm stunned at how well he nailed it given only the cover and the back cover blurb to work from. Like I said, he's amazing. Please stop by his place for the Divine Temptation Cover Reveal, and help me spread the word via Twitter, Facebook or a mention on your blog. 

Here are some pre-fab Tweetables to make it easier:

Book cover challenge: Sexy + Angelic. The solution: http://ow.ly/iJXpl

Nobody does cover reveals like Michael Di Gesu. It's an adventure all in itself: http://ow.ly/iJXpl

I'm not sure which is more beautiful, the cover or the intro. Let's call it a tie: http://ow.ly/iJXpl

Thank you!

If you like what you read & see, you can add Divine Temptation to your to-read list at Goodreads and enter to win a paperback copy.


Stina said…
I'm off to check out your reveal and to see what he wrote. :)
Saw it this morning - Michael did an awesome job! Got the link to his intro up at my site.
Anonymous said…
Michael did an excellent job! And, that cover? Awesome. Congrats, Nicki! <3
Anonymous said…
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Jennifer Lane said…
Michael wrote that intro? I thought it was an excerpt! Very cool. I adore the cover.
Julie Flanders said…
Michael's intro is just amazing. And so is the cover!! Can't wait to read the book. Congratulations, Nicki!
Johanna Garth said…
And you're tweeted! Not sure I follow you on twitter though.
Suze said…
Just been over to Michael's!

Babe, are you still doing the countdown to release widget? I want to post it to SC.
Melissa said…
I thought it was an excerpt, too. Wow!
That post over at Michael's blog was excellent!
It hit the spot... right in the solar plexus!
Janie Junebug said…
The cover is so beautiful that it makes the book even more divinely tempting.

shelly said…
He does have a beautiful way with words.

Hugs and chocolate,
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Michael Di Gesu said…
Hi, everyone,

SO glad you enjoyed the reveal. I take it as a compliment that you thought it was an expert.

Mark Means said…
I saw his reveal earlier and it was great. Congrats Nicki and well done!
LD Masterson said…
I saw it. Michael did a wonderful job. And the cover is beautiful.
Anne Gallagher said…
Okay like just wow. That was fantastic. Congratulations, Nicki. Can't wait to read this one!

Love the cover.
Mark said…
Good cover art is so key to promoting a book, very cool:)
Nick Wilford said…
Saw Michael's intro earlier. He did a great job. Congrats! Tweeted and added. :)
This whole "cover reveal" phenomenon is something I need to get into. I usually just drop the cover in along with the announcement of my books. But I like the idea of teasing the announcement. And Michael did do an awesome job. Congratulations!

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