Have you SERIOUSLY Not Made Cookies Yet?

Yeah, me neither. So I've got a recipe that requires only three ingredients!  And the best thing is---these shortbread cookies are killer with eggnog. Santa will not be disappointed:

 Brown Sugar Shortbread

1 cup butter
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour


In a mixing bowl, cream butter and sugar.  Gradually stir in the flour.  Turn onto a lightly floured surface and knead until smooth, about 3 minutes.  Pat into a 1/3 inch-thick rectangle measuring 11" x 8".   Cut into 2" x 1" strips.  Place 1" apart on ungreased baking sheets.  Prick with a fork.  Bake at 300 degrees (Fahrenheit) for  25 minutes or until bottom begins to brown.  Cool for 5 minutes.  Remove to a wire rack to cool completely.  Yield: 3 1/2 dozen.
Enjoy!  And merry, merry Christmas to all of you and yours. ;)


Vicki Rocho said…
OMG, what are we going to leave for Santa???? You'd think a recipe with 3 ingredients would save my sorry arse...but I'm out of butter. Ack. I see a trip to the store in my future!
Alex J. Cavanaugh said…
Okay, that's too many!
Fortunately, my nephew sent me a whole tin of cookies.
Jennifer Lane said…
Those look yum! This season all I've made are some Christmas cookie sugar cutouts, using a kit from Trader Joe's :) I can't really bake in my condo because the smoke alarm is right outside the kitchen and it always goes off, grr.
Nicki Elson said…
Vicki, you crack me up missing one of three measly ingredients! I hope those tin cookies were delish, Alex. (could you just sense the eye roll?). Aw Jennifer, that stinks about the smoke alarm - these bake at a low temp. so maybe they'd be okay...?

And in case anyone's wondering, no, I never even got around to baking these! But thanks to the generous Christmas spirit of family and neighbors, we were all set cookiewise by Christmas Day. ;)

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