Fifteenth Time's a Charm

Something extremely way cool happened---the alumni magazine from my Alma mater, Eastern Illinois University, did a truly fabulous feature article about my book! I've had a very good response---the biggest since launch---and I've gotten confirmation of something I suspected all along...

My book was published in February of this year, and pretty much from the get-go I've been out there marketing-wise.  I've done signings and website interviews, gotten articles in local papers, finagled my book onto shelves of local businesses, delved into an e-life, etc. etc. Some efforts have been modestly successful, some not so much, and I've wondered many, many times whether any of it's even worth it.  But during my recent bubble in book sales, people have commented something to the effect of:

"I've been hearing about this book and keep meaning to check it out, but then I saw this article and I have to read it."

So that's it---it might feel like we're spinning our wheels, spending hour upon hour doing things that result in nada, but I'm no longer going to be discouraged by that.  Because maybe the first time you put something out there, crickets chirp, and maybe that even happens the second, third, and fourth time.  But the fifth...the tenth...the fifteenth...?

In other awesome Monday news...I placed in the Top Five of the In Time... blog's  Harry Potter Blogfest!  You can read my entry and find links to other entries below.

And it's Meet an Author Monday!  
Hop around and see what's going on with these fun and fabulous authors. If you have a book published or under contract, hop on!

Omnific Publishing is offering a great opportunity to check out the work of their authors...for FREE!  Throughout the month of December, when you buy a print copy of an Omnific book, you get to choose a FREE e-book!


Jennifer Lane said…
Bev, I'm so glad you included a link to the alumni magazine article because I really wanted to read it! Great article. And I'm thrilled that your fellow alumni are now even more aware of your fun coming of age novel. Keep up the hard work!
Anonymous said…
Awesome news on the article and congrats on being placed as one of the top five on the HP blogfest! I loved reading about Snape and Professor Elson - also I love the pic with the potion bottles at the top. Hope you have a great day!
Anonymous said…
Congrats on a fantastic article and the great encouragement. It seems like a lot of effort goes into marketing without much return - and this is great confirmation that all that work is paying off.
Nicki Elson said…
Jennifer - Well, I'm happy to know you were interested in reading it! Thanks.

Kelsey - Thanks for reading my Harry Potter thingy! I just can't get enough Snape. I was thrilled to find that potions picture.

Robin - Thanks! I'm glad you found this post encouraging...not long before you're pounding the pavement with us...the countdown begins...
Alex J. Cavanaugh said…
Wow, that is really awesome! Now when you go back for class reunions, you'll be a rock star.
Julie Musil said…
Wow, that link and article are so cool! I'm glad to hear that all your hard work is paying off. Nothing is wasted, right?
Nicki Elson said…
Alex - Ooh, yeah. I better get me a pair of leather pants!

Julie - Thanks, Julie. :) Baby steps.
Anonymous said…
Congrats on the well-deserved book recognition! Hard work does pay off! :-)
Karen Jones Gowen said…
That is just so cool!! Your book is definitely on MY to-read list.
Michael Di Gesu said…
I'm impressed. But then I knew you had it when I choose you for the top five!

I didn't know you did book signings. Are you coming to Chicago? I would love to meet you in person and get a personally sighed copy. What fun!

Good luck.

Nicki Elson said…
Thanks, Liz!

Can't wait to see which old haunts in Charleston you remember, Karen -- I was especially hoping that you, of all people, would see this post. :)

Aw, you are too sweet, Michael. I dream of doing a Chicago signing one day---not out of the realm of possibility since I live in the western suburbs. I'd love to meet you too!
Sondrae Bennett said…
Congrats! It's nice to hear from other authors what's been successful for them and to keep plugging away. Glad you're getting such great results!

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