Get in the Zone #IWSG

Hi guys! I hope May is finding you all a bit more combobulated than we were at the beginning of April 2020. Not that the future's looking any more certain or anything, but at least we've all had another month to adjust, the weirdness of it all, right?

During April, I received edits back from my amazing expat editor who's quarantining across the pond in London. Working my day job for only limited hours these days allowed me time to make the recommended changes and format the manuscript for eBooks. Soooo...I'm targeting a release date or August 4, 2020 for MOLLY UNPLANNED.

Now to get my butt in gear for promo. Step One: get the ARC into reviewers' hands. If you're interested in reading a free eBook copy of this Chick Lit/Romance (About 90K words. Heat level: hot), in exchange for posting a review at Goodreads and/or Amazon, please send an email to and let me know if you'd prefer EPUB, MOBI, or PDF. You can read this post to see if the book is for you. Muchas gracias.

I also painted my bathroom last month. A while ago, in answer to an IWSG question, I said that my treat to myself for completing a manuscript is doing some sort of home project. Here's what Molly got me: 

Now it's time to tackle this month's optional question:

Do you have any rituals that you use when you need help getting into the ZONE?

Care to share?

Turn off the internet, set a minimum writing time of at least ninety minutes, give myself a stern talking to, and pound out words for ninety minutes or more, no matter how terrible, no matter how many times I delete and rewrite. At some point before the end of my slated time, I usually find myself in the groove. But sometimes it takes repeating the ritual a few days in a row to get there. That's really it for me, no secret sauce.

I look forward to learning your zone-achieving tips! 

This post is part of the:

Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds. This wonderful group for writers was begun by the one and clonely Alex J. Cavannaugh.

This month's awesome co-hosts are:


Jennifer Lane said…
Can't wait for Molly Unplanned to launch into the world! I'm hot for farmer, and he's hot for teacher! (ooh, maybe that's a good tagline: He's hot for teacher, and she's hot for farmer. Hehe).

The bathroom looks divine. Love the artful arrangement of framed images.
Congrats on the release date!

The bathroom looks lovely! Makes me want to do up our bathroom - not so much with paint but with plants and pictures, etc.
Natalie Aguirre said…
Your bathroom looks great. And how awesome that you have a publication target date for your next book.
L. Diane Wolfe said…

Your bathroom looks great. We painted ours last year. After stripping and sanding all the blasted wall paper off. That stuff is evil.
Bathroom looks good. Cool you have a release scheduled.
Congrats on your upcoming release! Time was part of what I wrote about in my IWSG "ritual" post as well. Happy writing!
Michael Di Gesu said…
HI Nicki...

The bathroom looks GREAT!!!! I need to tackle both of mine, but I am currently working on the landscaping.. can you believe this FROST! What fun covering all my new plantings and having to defrost them this morning... UGH> I hope they survive because if not, $$$ down the tube. We have two more nights to sweat out... Thankfully the highs will be in the low 60's today, but tomorrow's high is only 48. IS this mid MAY?

Happy Mother's day! Hope you and the family will have a wonderful day. Let them SPOIL you!

All the best on your new release!!!!
F. Stone said…
Love the bathroom. And color, too. I been wrestling with a new paint color for mine and I'm thinking the grey would like perfect. Very soft and serene. Great for contemplating the next book in that lovely tub of yours.

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