Insecure Writers Unite! #IWSG #amwriting

Hey, fellow insecure writers. How's it going?

My writing lately is mostly for the quarterly newsletter I write for my day job - but hey, writing is writing, right? And since space in the newsletter is limited and I have a LOT to cover in it, I get great practice at making every single word count. But it keeps me too busy, so this month I'll move right into the optional IWSG question:

What is the weirdest/coolest thing you ever had to research for your story?

Well, if you've read the blurb for my latest release, I ... uh ... yeaaah, forget that one. I'm gonna go in a different direction here. I'd say the weirdest research I've done for a story was to identify a tasteless poison that could be easily disguised on something like, oh, say ... Smarties.

Want one?


This post is part of the monthly blog hop/therapy session known as Insecure Writer's Support Group, founded by the one and clonely Alex J. Cavanaugh. Click below to join the group!


Julie Flanders said…
Ooh now I want to research that poison. How fun!! I'll probably freak out the next time I see Smarties in the store. :D
Oohh...a tasteless poison! I bet that was fun research. I recently (like yesterday) had to find the most potent mint. It's fresh peppermint, in case you were wondering. :)
Jennifer Lane said…
Hehehe. Vibrator research? As a candy devotee I have to say that I hate Smarties so I wouldn't fall prey to your evil machinations!
Crystal Collier said…
You were researching poison, I was researching disappearing a body... Hey, it's all good.
L. Diane Wolfe said…
Smarties don't have much taste so a tasteless poison would blend well.
Nancy Gideon said…
Ah, geez! Thanks for ruining that for me, Nicki! Smarties . . . the bastards.
Now that's totally interesting :) I won't be able to look at a Smartie ever the same...
See, now other posts talk about cooking and baking as part of their research, which of course makes me hungry and want to eat all sorts of things I probably shouldn't. Your post about the Smarties? Not so much. So, thank you for that. :)
Nicola said…
I'm with the others - researching sweeties - I mean poison - LOL!!! - sounds like fun :)
I'll take a Smarties but pass on the poison.
Olga Godim said…
Researching a poison - yuck! But who am I to wrinkle my nose. I researched a homemade bomb after all.
Sarah Foster said…
Now I'll never trust a Smartie again...
Anonymous said…
Poisoned Smarties? Oh, be still my beating heart! I can't wait to share this at my next breakfast with my writing co-conspirator/murder writing friend. What next, Poisoned Peeps?
dolorah said…
Oooh, send me your research, lol.
Nick Wilford said…
That's an interesting one! It looks like Smarties in the UK are different from yours - wonder if ours could be similarly tampered with.
Smarties, the coolest, most harmless of candies. We know not to trick or treat at your house.
Tara Tyler said…
Look at your progress! You're doing so well! And fun weird research =) I hope real criminals don't read our devious plots!
I was wondering how life is in Chicago? Hope you're doing well, looks like you are!

Tara Tyler Talks

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