Congrats to @JenLaneBooks on the release of SPIKED #NewAdult #Sports #Romance

SPIKED is the third and final book in the BLOCKED series by Jennifer Lane. It makes a great end to a wonderful series. You can read my full 5 star review at Goodreads.

Jennifer took time during her release festivities, to answer a question for me. Take it away, Jen...

Nicki asked, "If you had to choose one song that best captures the essence of SPIKED, what would you choose and why?"

At times, music serves as inspiration for my writing, especially for Spiked, which features a singer / songwriter hero: Mateo Ramirez.

I remember hearing the song "Wounded" by Third Eye Blind years ago. I interpreted the lyrics as a loving man trying to help a woman recover from a trauma:

Well I never claimed to understand what happens after dark

But my fingers catch the sparks at the thought of touching you

When you're wounded

This song very much fits the story of Spiked (Blocked #3).

Get SPIKED today!

Meet the Men of the Blocked Series
Blocked: Dane Monroe, 6'8" blond gigante, volleyball setter
Aced: Alejandro Ramirez, med student, baseball player
Spiked: Mateo Ramirez, soulful singer / songwriter

Check out the Blocked series FREE with Kindle Unlimited

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Review Tour Hosted by Raven Publicity

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Alex J. Cavanaugh said…
Big congratulations to Jennifer!
Jennifer Lane said…
Thank you, Nicki! You must be from Pearl Harbor because you're da bomb.
Julie Flanders said…
Yay, Jennifer!!! Congratulations and wishing you tons of success with the book.

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