Big Plans & Tempered Expectations #IWSG

I go into the new year with big plans and tempered expectations. It's quite nice to have reached this stage of maturity in the publishing biz. This year I'm finally, finally going to keep my writing life focused on where it should've been all along---on writing.

As I said in a previous IWSG post, I believe a book's commercial success all comes down to: 1) compelling story, 2) appealing cover/blurb/premise, 3) the right timing, and 4) magic. I only have control over the first two, so that's where I'll focus my efforts.

If 3 & 4 don't come through for me---or if I get 1 & 2 wrong---I'll no longer waste time and energy in a scramble to build a false fire under my books with a bevvy of online promotions as kindling. You know what I'll do, instead? I'll write something else. Not because I buy into the theory that  more books automatically lead to more success, but because I like writing. It makes me happy. And every time I do it, I get better at it.

My goal for 2016 is to always have an exciting new project waiting in the wings as I finish up on a current one. By the end of the year, I hope to have two new novels, a re-release of my debut novel, and possibly a new twisted fairy tale out in the world. There, I said it. Now I better get to doing it.

Happy 2016, everybody! Hope your year is off to a smashing start.


This post is part of the monthly blog hop/therapy session known as Insecure Writers Support Group, founded by the one and clonely Alex J. Cavanaugh.


Shah Wharton said…
Cool goals! I'm with you on the answer to flagging sales. If it won't 'burn' on its own, move away from the smouldering pulp that is the book. Then pick up a pen to start again.

Happy 2016! May it bring us a little magic :)

Anonymous said…
Uh... I think you're onto something here... with everything you said.

Control what you can, write what you can and focus on the fact that it makes you happy. And that is why you do it.

Happy new year!
Jennifer Lane said…
Well said! Timing and magic definitely play into success, I think. I'm excited about your series hitting the shelves in the near future! And about the 3D reboot. I agree writing is where it's at.
Make it so!
Timing has so much to do with it and we can't predict the right time.
Julie Flanders said…
Amen to everything you said. This is how I want to spend 2016 as well. Happy New Year!
Love the idea of having exciting new projects waiting in the wings! And thanks for the great reminder to focus on the aspects of our career that we can control.
Crystal Collier said…
Sounds epic to me. I hear you about keeping a fun project in the wings. My side projects are growing to demanding these days. *sigh*
L.G. Keltner said…
Great goals, and great attitude! I hope 2016 brings you many wonderful things.
Arlee Bird said…
Maybe to your list for success add "Persistence". Annoy the hell out of people until they feel like they absolutely have to have your book. I guess this is better referred to as marketing.

I don't have any problem with that. Perception is everything.

Best wishes to your efforts and most of all to your life in general.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
cleemckenzie said…
Having a project waiting for you is one of the best motivators in the world. Here's to always having that at the ready.
Chrys Fey said…
The title of this post is exactly my frame of mind for this year.

You have the right idea about writing the next book and not trying to build a false fire under books that sort-of fail. I'm not there yet...but hope I'll develop that attitude soon.

Happy 2016!!!
It hurts to let a project go and keep going onto the next thing. I try to move on like you've vowed but I don't like it.
Juneta key said…
Great post and goals. Good attitude. Keep on writing, cheering you on.

Happy New Year,
Juneta @ Writer's Gambit
Terry Lee said…
Good post. And as said above...good attitude. Writers should enjoy writing (most of the time:)
Michael Di Gesu said…
I LOVE your ATTITUDE! SO BUBBLY and overflowing with positivity.... I hope it rubs off on me. LOL

I want to hear all about it in a few weeks when you get time for a visit. I need to surround myself with writers this year to put a FIRE under me to get writing again. I have been in hiding too long!

L. Diane Wolfe said…
More books does lead to more sales, especially when you can get said books out fast enough. Good luck, Nicki.
Loni Townsend said…
I hear Dory in my head... Just keep swimming...

I think there should be more #4 around! Maybe we can make more of it!
Happy New Year Nicki!! Sounds like you have your goals sets. Wishing you great success!!!
Carrie-Anne said…
Good luck with all your plans for the year! Even if we're not bestsellers, we still owe it to ourselves to keep writing.
Nick Wilford said…
I think a lot of us are heading back to grass roots with writing this year. Everything starts from a great story. Good luck with all your ideas!
Tamara Narayan said…
I think that's a smart way to go, because I'm seeing more and more authors re-edit, get new covers, and re-promote previously published works. There's no deadline on promoting your stuff.
Cherie Colyer said…
Great goals. Focusing on what you can control is a good idea. One could go crazy focusing on the things out of our hands. (I know I would.)
cleemckenzie said…
It's so important to have something to look forward to. May you always have that carrot!
Stephen Tremp said…
Nicki, that's a great vision for 2016! I'm re-releasing my Breakthrough series as a Box Set soon. Why not? It's already finished and Box Sets are doing very well these days. Best wishes to you and yours for a healthy and prosperous New Year!
Determination with a dash of realism!
That's the way to go.
"...exciting new projects in the wings..." ~ I seem to be getting there.
I'll just hang on...and keep on writing.
Happy 2016!

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