A Super Awesome Summer Playlist

Hey gang! I'm going to start posting links to my monthly newsletter at my blog. If you'd like to have Nicki's News  delivered right to your very own in-box, you can sign up here. This month I'm sharing a super awesome summer playlist plus 5 things that are real in VIBRIZZIO & 5 things I WISH were real.

(or click on the stack o' tapes to go directly to the awesome playlist)

On a total side note - have you seen JURASSIC WORLD yet? I just did last night & it's soooo good. So, so, so good. When my kids were toddlers they'd watch our VHS tape of JURASSIC PARK over and over and over again, so it was super fun to sit w/ them as almost-adults to watch this proper sequel. I thought it did a great job of being fresh while still giving nods to the original. I already want to go see it again.


Arlee Bird said…
Clicking on the tapes take me to one song--"The Alternative to Love" by Brendan Benson. Maybe you need to switch to CD's. Who listen's to tapes anymore:)

I'll wait to see Jurassic World when it comes on DVD. I'm like that.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Road trippin' with A to Z
Tossing It Out
Arlee Bird said…
OH, forget what I just said. Now I see the entire playlist. I'm dumb! Actually as much time as I've been spending on YouTube I should know better.

Great list of songs.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Road trippin' with A to Z
Tossing It Out
I'm so excited to go see it. Took my kids when they were little and now my youngest son and I are going and he might be paying my way. It's fun to have the same interests as your children.
M.J. Fifield said…
I haven't seen it yet, but I'd like to, though. I'm a fan of the Jurassic Park series.

And YAY for Dashboard Confessional!
Chrys Fey said…
I haven't seen Jurassic World yet, but I really want to.

I signed up for your newsletter! :D
Nice playlist Nicki because you can never have enough Depeche Mode in my book.
Did I sign up? I'll sign up again, just in case.
Liz Blocker said…
I've already signed up, because THAT'S HOW COOL I AM. LOL, sorry, my brain is fried these days. Seriously, though, I happily get your newsletter and I loved the playlist :)
Loni Townsend said…
That's a fun playlist--very feel-good. I have Meiko on one of my book playlists. :)
Jennifer Lane said…
Any playlist with Depeche Mode is win! They were my fave band in high school.

I haven't seen Jurassic World but definitely want to. Thanks for the recommendation.
Rumer Haven said…
Soooo good! I'm with Jennifer on Depeche Mode being a big fave, and that song especially. And Brendan Benson's "Alternative to Love" is too perfect!

As for the movie--OH MY GOD. I watched the entire trilogy in the week leading up to Jurassic World's release and could've cried, it was so good. I'm going to pretend 2 and 3 never happened and just jump right from the first to the fourth as two of the most enjoyable movies ever. I already want to see it again, too! And might I recommend Chris Pratt's recent guest appearance on the Graham Norton show? Check BBC America on-demand.
Mandy said…
I love your summer playlist! And I have to agree – Jurassic World was awesome! So glad I got to see it in theatres! :)

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