Top 10 Movie Countdown Blogfest

Yay, today's the day for another of Alex. J. Cavannaugh's famous blogfests. I'd like to thank him not only for hosting, but for keeping it simple & fun---coming up with this list and looking at posters of my most favorite movies turned out to be quite a cathartic exercise. I hope you found it to be the same (assuming you were in need of catharting). Thanks, Big Al.

These are in the order of my affection for them:

1. Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl

2. Raiders of the Lost Ark

3. Star Wars: A New Hope

4. When Harry Met Sally

5. Return of the Jedi

6. The Empire Strikes Back

7. Toy Story

8. Mystic Pizza

9. Goodfellas

10. Jaws 

I'm allowing myself two more because I think it was really good of me to count the original Star Wars Trilogy as three separate entries:

11. Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring

12. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Oh wait, now I've included two Pirate's movies as two entries soooo....

13. Pulp Fiction

Come now, you can't expect me to end on an unlucky number like 13:

14. Chocolat

Are any of these in your top 10?


Stina said…
The only one I haven't seen is Goodfellas. Indianna Jones is one of my favorites. Never grow tired of that one. And I still think about THAT scene from When Harry Met Sally. :D
Raiders - excellent! Very 80's of you, Nicki.
Thanks for participating in my blogfest!
Unknown said…
still suffer from JAWS... my fear never will go away.

Jeremy [Retro-Z]
Howlin' Wolf
M.J. Fifield said…
I put the Lord of the Rings in my top ten. But I loved Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl.
Unknown said…
Great stuff! They're def'ly in my top 25.
I love Chocolat, because I love stories that revolve around food and cooking (even though I can't cook). And When Harry Met Sally will always be one of my favorite movies; I wouldn't mind meeting a guy who is as neurotic as Harry is, because then he and I would have something in common.
LD Masterson said…
Ha ha. You were one of the few I've seen so far that didn't count Star Wars 4 -6 as one movie but then you added four more titles to your list so no brownie points.

I completely forgot Harry Met Sally. Great movie. ("I'll have what she's having.")
Janie Junebug said…
I noticed my boyfriend (Elvis Aaron Schwarz) is in some of the movies you chose. Don't even think about showing up at my house to put your '80s moves on him.

Johanna Garth said…
Great List :) One time I made my husband drive me all the way to Mystic, CT because I loved that movie so much. I wanted pizza too, but he told me he had to draw the line somewhere.
Mark Means said…
I just have to say that you have -great- taste in movies :) Your 2 and 3 are my 1 and 2.

Also really liked Goodfellas..fantastic film!
David P. King said…
Loving this list! Glad to see the original SW Trilogy in there. :)
Luanne G. Smith said…
I knew your list would be heavily laden with 80's classics. We have a few the same on our lists. And I would have put LOTR and Star Wars on mine, but I went for movies I watch over and over again.
Suze said…
Aw, I love 'Mystic Pizza,' I'm glad you mentioned it. :)
Heather Musk said…
Very sneaky getting those extra ones in. It's so hard to just list ten!

Great list.
Unknown said…
I don't have any the same but I love your choices.

I don’t know what the problem was on my website but I added the titles now.
1. Rebecca
2. The Godfather
3. Shawshank Redemption
4. North and South
5. Strangers on a Train
6. The Man Who Knew Too Little
7. Galaxy Quest
8. Lorenzo’s Oil
9. The King’s Speech
10. Forrest Gump
Jennie Bennett said…
You have some good choices here. I can't believe I forgot Pirates! Totally adding to my ever expanding list :)
Mary Hill said…
Hi, I so want to see Choclat. I loved When Harry met Sally too. Great list.

I look forward to following you! Like a lot of what I see on your page.

Follow me back if you can. I know our list of blogs grows and grows ...

Daisy Carter said…
Oh, I adore When Harry Met Sally. One of my favorite chick flicks ever. Anytime I order something on the side, I think, yep, I'm high maintenance just like Meg Ryan.
D.G. Hudson said…
Loved anything Indiana Jones (and Harrison Ford, too).

And, mmm-m Chocolat.
DiscConnected said…
I guess I cheated the last time Alex did this, as I counted LOTR as one (the whole trilogy), and might have done the same with the first Star Wars trilogy...every time I go through this exercise, I seem to forget When Harry Met Sally, which deserves to be on my list for the Katz's Deli scene alone!

Wonderful choices! Star Wars was definitely on my list . . .and I can't believe I didn't add Toy Story . . .there are so many good movies!
Dani and Jax said…
Classics! Goodfellas for sure! Nice picks.
Jay Noel said…
I have not seen Mystic Pizza. It looks like a late 80s version of St. Elmo's Fire.
Bob/Sally said…
I need to catch up on the Pirates movies. My oldest son and I loved the first one, but the wife loathed it, so we haven't had a lot of chances to watch the rest. :)
Unknown said…
A big Star Wars fan I see :) Awesome movies!
DL Hammons said…
Raiders of the Lost Ark is the only movie where I witnessed a standing ovation (when Indy shot the swordsman), yet I still could not bring myself to put it on my list. I'm not sure why. :)
Pat Hatt said…
Great list, have seen them all except mystic pizza, never heard of that one.
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triles said…
I feel like DL. I love Raiders, and I have a very specific and fond memory of sharing it with my dad, but for some reason it just didn't make the cut.
Carrie-Anne said…
I've seen maybe half of those films. I'm so clueless when it comes to modern movies, and haven't even heard of some movies that are apparently very popular and considered modern classics. The modern films I like tend to be foreign and/or long, serious, historical dramas.
Anonymous said…
Very cool movie selection...
Samantha May said…
The Pirates' movies are fantastic!

Jaws came out well before my time and it STILL made me terrified of the ocean.

Fish and I do not get along.
Unknown said…
Your list completely rocks. I love all of these movies and heck yeah, Goodfellas is on mine, too. :)
Dani said…
Hello Nicki! New follower and 1/2 of Cover Girls. Love the movie choices. We would definitely have fun at the movies.
Denise Covey said…
Fantastic choices. How could I have forgotten Chocolat? Scrumptious.
Tara Tyler said…
yay mystic pizza! i think alex shouldve taken star wars, et al, out of the running. then we would have to pick more personal faves (i'm guilty too!)

ah well!
and chocolat, yay crazy johnny depp!
Cherie Reich said…
What a great list!! I've seen and loved many of those movies on it.
Jennifer Lane said…
Fun blogfest! Sorry I missed it. I love how you couldn't stop yourself from adding movies, ha ha.

I didn't know you were a Star Wars fan! I love Return of the Jedi. Chocolat is really good too, as well as When Harry Met Sally.
Anonymous said…
I love Mystic Pizza and Jaws.

I need to see When Harry Met Sally. I only watched portions of it.
Jaws, and Pirates, two more I never considered but should have. Great movies!

Love your list!
Nick Wilford said…
Love Raiders, Pulp Fiction, Star Wars, Toy Story etc... there's too much awesome on your list! And Chocolat is a sweet movie (pun intended). I saw it the first time in Australia.
Goodfellas is a classic...especially Joe Pesci in his role...
Shell Flower said…
Mystic Pizza is a good one. And Chocolat. Yay!
Trisha said…
I just recently re-watched Chocolat. Oh, so yummy!

Great classic list of movies here, though I haven't seen them all.
Very epic list! Thanks for sharing.
Anonymous said…
Just dropping by from the blog hop. I haven't seen all the movies on your list but the ones I have seen are great picks.

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