It's a Birthday Bash with Splash

I'm very excited that I now get to share a Book Birthday with an author and wonderful person whom I feel very fortunate to have met through our mutual publisher. I speak of psycho author, Jennifer Lane. 

Streamline turns one-year-old this week! We're celebrating with a giveaway.

Seems like Leo Scott has it all: looks, brains, and athletic talent. He's captain of his high school swim team with a bright future in college and beyond. But Leo has secrets. His mother's crippling car accident has devastated his family and left Leo to deal with his father's abuse, battered and alone.

Leo's girlfriend Audrey Rose is poised for her own share of success. As one of Florida's top high school swimmers, Audrey dreams of college swimming stardom. But there's an obstacle to her glorious rise to the top. Her number one supporter--her father--is in prison for murder.

Part murder mystery, part tale of young love in a military family, this gripping story takes readers on a journey from Pensacola to Annapolis. Leo and Audrey must band together to rise above the adversity they encounter and find their true selves in the process. When everything's on the line...streamline.

"What an emotional journey! I don't think I have ever cried over a character so much in my life."
~Dani from Paulette's Papers

"The issues that are touched upon in the story: family, substance abuse, teen relationships, trust, honor...they are dealt with in an amazingly realistic, unglossed manner."
~Andrea from The Bookish Babe

"Overall, Streamline is a wonderfully, emotionally complex story about the ones we love, the ones we hurt, the mistakes that break the human heart, and the unconditional love that puts the pieces back together."
~Dani from Refracted Light Reviews

Streamline at Amazon for $2.99
Streamline at Barnes & Noble for $2.99

Author Jennifer Lane is giving away one signed print copy of Streamline to a US winner and three ebooks to international winners. To enter, complete the Rafflecopter form.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

To learn even more about Jennifer and this story, visit more Birthday Bashers for reviews & interviews. 


Congratulations on one year, Jennifer!
Kittie Howard said…
Congratulations, Jennifer! What an awesome milestone!
Jennifer Lane said…
Gracias, Alex and Kittie!

Psycho author loves you, Nicki. :-)
Luanne G. Smith said…
Congrats! And what an awesome cover, too. :)
Linda King said…
I really like the sound of this! Happy anniversary! :-)
It sounds like a great story! Congratulations!
LD Masterson said…
Happy Birthday, one year old.
Misha Gerrick said…
Congrats, Jennifer.

I love when books can get under my skin enough to make me cry. :-)

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