Back From the Future
(First paragraph modified to first person from Suze's lovely words)
I'm up before dawn on a Saturday when the doorbell rings. I haven't brewed my coffee so I wonder if I imagined the sound. Plonking the half-filled carafe in the sink, I go to the front door and cautiously swing it open. No one there. As I cast my eyes to the ground, I see a parcel addressed to me ... from me. I scoop it up and haul it inside, sensing something legitimate despite the extreme oddness of the situation. Carefully, I pry it open. Inside is a shoebox -- sent from ten years in the future -- and it's filled with items I have sent myself.
Each item is contained in an envelope. Two envelopes are blank, but scrawled across one, in the eerily familiar penmanship that only I can accurately decipher, are the words: "The solution to the thing you're worrying about right now." I don't want to think about the thing I'm worrying about right now, so I put that one at the bottom of the stack and finish making the coffee.

I move on to the other blank envelope. Inside is a photograph of a handsome young man and a pretty young woman. My kids in ten years. On the back I've written: "This is going to happen; there's nothing you can do about it. Don't take all the time you have with them now for granted."
Once the tears are wiped away, I confront the final envelope, ripping into it because I'm now anxious to discover the solution to my worry du jour. Inside is a small bit of paper with the simple words: "Stop Worrying!" I flip it over, hoping for just a bit more guidance, and read: "Matthew 6:26-27." I already know what it says. I've read it a hundred times, but apparently future me thinks I need a refresher. She's right. So I go to my Bible and read the verses yet again:
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?
Thanks everyone for playing along with Suze, Mary & me! Can't wait to hop around and see what y'all have packed. If you're not in the hop, pretty please tell me in the comments at least one item you'd pack.
1 Peter 5:7 "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."
An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out
Proverbs 3 v.5 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths."
Thank you for your part in bringing us such an awesome blogfest! I had so much fun coming up with the contents of the box, and it really made me think.
thats great stuff!
i need to floss more and worry less too.
thanks for hosting this!
And what a delightful story. Yes, worrying doesn't help at all- much better to just enjoy the moment. And let things happen as they are meant to.
I purposefully didn't consider my kids in ten years time, because they'll both be grown up, and I'm just not ready for that yet :-(
Keep on flossing! :)
Have a fabulous weekend!
Christy, if you can't tell then I guess it doensn't matter how you got those fab abs. Love the mystery key.
Thanks for joining this hop - I just loved seeing your names on the list. :)
And gosh I'd be crying at a pic of my grown kids too. Holy cow would I.
Great post and thanks for the fun hop, Nickie!
Thanks for stopping by the nut-tree today. Nice to meet you!
~Just Jill
Great list of what you'd find in your time capsule.
Thanks for co-hosting this blogfest!
And yes, be sure to floss your teeth.
Seeing the kids grown up would be enough to bring the tears. Any parent could identify with that.
BTW Nicki, I'm late catching up here as we were moving older daughter today. But I'm back and will continue my way in the list. Just so you know I'm not slacking. . .
And, I tried several times to leave a comment on M. Pax's blog, but it wouldn't take my name/email as it scroll down on it's own.
Thanks for hosting!