Z: Zooming Stock Market *90's Pop Culture Favorites* #AtoZchallenge

Can the stock market be considered to be part of pop culture? Well, when it's as fun as it was in the 90's, I say yes. Imagine a time when opening your latest 401k statement was a joyful event rather than something you did with one eye closed and the other tensed and ready to join its partner should the numbers be even worse than expected.

Using the S&P 500 as an index, the 1990's experienced only one year of negative returns (and that only -3.1%) with 3 years at over +20%, and another 3 years at over +30%! 1999 ended with a ten-year annualized return of a phenomenal +18.21%  Compare that to the following decade, which ended at an annualized -.95%.

Thirty percent+ annual returns seemed mythical for a long time after the 90's, but fret not---2013 saw that level once again, and even with all the miserable returns during the new millenium, the market's 25 year annualized return is above 10%. We'll just ignore what's been happening so far this year... #LongTermBaby

CONGRATULATIONS on completing the 2014 A to Z Challenge,
and thank you, THANK YOU to our illustrious hosts
most especially to Arlee Bird for dreaming the whole thing up.


Stephanie Faris said…
Oops. I didn't add a closing statement to my blog today. I didn't have a 401(k) in the 90s, so I only know the feeling of opening that envelope with dread!
Many moons ago I worked in a bank as a financial consultant...you'll never see interest rates like that again. We made it to Z...YAY!!
Liz Blocker said…
Yes, I'd say this counts as pop culture for the 90s - the whole decade was colored by the economic boom. It helped define pop culture! And boy is it not the same now...and boy does that description of checking your 401k sound familiar, LOL!

I didn't add a closing statement, either. Hmm... might go do that!

I do know we fell poorer now than we did in the 90's but it might be the result of putting the last two of six children through college. We could have bought three houses on what we've spent on higher education. I really enjoyed your theme this year.
Arlee Bird said…
Economic optimism drives everything forward with people feeling inspired. I can see how that would influence the culture.

Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog
Julie Flanders said…
I'm like Stephanie, I didn't have a 401k in the 90s either. Wish I had! Hopefully I will be able to open my statement without dread soon.

Your theme was a fun walk down memory lane, Nicki!
Crystal Collier said…
Wahoo! We did it! *high five* Now I need to go retire with a cheese platter...and madly work toward my revision deadline. Or should I clean my house before the realtor comes to try and help sell it? Ug. Decisions, decisions.

True Heroes from A to Z
Unknown said…
Unfortunately I am not to familiar with the stock market. Something I always wanted to learn though.
Bonnie Gwyn said…
We did it! *High fives to everyone* Congrats. :) The market definitely has its ups and downs. But doesn't everything?
Where Legends Begin
As always, it bounces back.
Your theme has been fun! Congratulations on completing the Challenge.
Suze said…


You did a fantastic job with the challenge this year, my dear. I really enjoyed your posts, as I suspected I would. :)
Rumer Haven said…
And that graph right there explains why the job market was so awesome when I graduated college. We were so spoiled for choice back then.
M Pax said…
Yeah, my retirement blossomed nicely in the 90's. Congrats on getting to z.
L. Diane Wolfe said…
I inherited stocks from my mother and they have really taken off recently. More!!!
debi o'neille said…
Stock in the 90's wasn't my thing. Dam. Hindsight, and if I had a dollar for every time I said that...
Glad to see you at the finish line of the A to Z.
Deb@ http://debioneille.blogspot.com
Vikki T said…
Congratulations! WE DID IT :)

Thanks for stopping by at mine during the challenge xx
LD Masterson said…
Stock Market booms are wonderful. Until they're not. Congratulation son completing the A-Z.
I never thought of it that way but it sure had an impact. Congrats!
Unknown said…
Stock markets boom and bust in cycles -- sometimes I feel they're nothing but evil.
Congrats on completing the challenge. I have many fond memories of the 90s. But, man, that internet was slow! Ironically, our economy was so strong, but my husband and I were poor graduate students.
Carrie-Anne said…
My ex got into the Stock Market in the Nineties, and still feels upset he sold all his Apple stock in '98. He claims he'd be rich today if he'd held onto it.
Michael Di Gesu said…
Of course it counts!

Congrats on completing the challenge! YAY!!!!

I Know I'm not posting a new intro for a while... LOL... I'm pooped!

Congrats on crossing the A to Z finish line!
Enjoy some well-deserved zzzzzzzzz....

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