V: Video Workouts - Tae Bo *90's Pop Culture Favorites* #AtoZchallenge

Jane Fonda may have started the video workout craze in the 80's, but I didn't jump in until Billy Blanks caught my attention with the Tae Bo video workout series in the 90's.  It's a very fun workout that lets me kick and punch out all my aggression while toning and working the cardio. And Billy is just so, so sweet and motivating.

The original Tae Bo video collection kept me happy until the poor tape got stretched to its limits and finally snapped, but I still meet up with Billy on a bi-weekly basis in his Insane Abs DVD. And I've gotta say, it's really nice to not have to remember to rewind the tapes.


We never purchased the tapes, but I remember Tae Bo being all the rage.
Suze said…
Hey, remember 'Please be kind. Rewind.'
LOL. We used those in PE classes because the boys didn't mind doing the boxing style workouts.
Rumer Haven said…
Kathy Smith was my 90s workout guru, and, no kidding, I just went to Amazon to order the DVD of the old workout I used to have of hers on VHS. Not surprised to see that it's now packaged as part of the "Timeless Collection," ha! But seriously, I do think these vintage 90s workouts are still effective! I'm actually quite psyched to go back to an old routine. (I'll pass on Buns of Steel, though...)

Hope you're enjoying your Tae Bo, too. HI-YA!
debi o'neille said…
I skip that whole face, years later I did jump on the Zumba bandwagon, though not for long. I do have a treadmill that I actually visit now and then. :-)
Deb@ http://debioneille.blogspot.com
Julie Flanders said…
I had forgotten all about this. I love the idea of being able to kick and punch with abandon. I'm in such a mood today that I think I need to dig up these tapes LOL. :D
Susan Kane said…
Jane Fonda! Oh, I was on her wagon. Worked out with her every day.

Billy Blank was fun just to watch.

Now I take walks and watch my gr-daughters. We danced right along with the Backyardigans.
Liz Blocker said…
Oh, exercise videos got so much easier when DVDs were invented!! Although, we may or may not still have a Jane Fonda VHS workout tape in the house...
Misha Gerrick said…
Mmm... I might just see if I can track these babies down. I need a bit more of an aggressive sort of exercise to keep me happy. :-D
Unknown said…
Blast from the past! Nice to meet and connect through atozchallenge. http://aimingforapublishingdeal.blogspot.co.uk/
Stephanie Faris said…
LOL, I remember that era when everyone seemed to have a workout video. Paula Abdul, Jennie Garth from Beverly Hills 90210, Carmen Electra, Marilu Henner... I owned them all. My intentions were always good. If I buy the video, I thought, I'll work out every day. I always got bored after one or two times through and never watched them again!
Stephsco said…
I'm loving your posts--I'm glad I found them on day Z! haha. I used to do some of the supermodel workouts--Claudia Schiffer and Cindy Crawford had workout tapes. Oh that is so funny to me now.

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